Beyond Chemical Accuracy for Alkane Thermochemistry: The DH

Autor: Hanwei, Li, Bernardino, Tirri, Eric, Brémond, Juan Carlos, Sancho-García, Carlo, Adamo
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: The Journal of organic chemistry. 86(8)
ISSN: 1520-6904
Popis: The so-called protobranching phenomenon, that is the greater stability of branched alkanes with respect to their linear isomers, represents an interesting challenge for approaches based on density functional theory (DFT), since it requires a balanced description of several electronic effects, including (intramolecular) dispersion forces. Here, we investigate this problem using a protocol recently developed based on double-hybrid functionals and a small basis set, DH-SVPD, suited for noncovalent interactions. The energies of bond separation reactions (BSR), defined on the basis of an isodesmic principle, are taken as reference properties for the evaluation of 15 DFT approaches. The obtained results show that error lower than the so-called "chemical accuracy" (1.0 kcal/mol) can be obtained by the proposed protocol on both relative reaction energies and enthalpies. These results are then verified on the standard BSR36 data set and support the proposition of our computational protocol, named DH
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