[Neonatal purulent pericarditis. Value of echocardiography and surgical drainage]

Autor: P, Lequien, A, Wurtz, C, Rey, G, Daltroff, A, Debaert, C, Ponte
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 1979
Zdroj: Archives francaises de pediatrie. 36(8)
ISSN: 0003-9764
Popis: Five neonates are described who developed purulent pericarditis during a septicaemia which suggest that this is not a rare complication. The diagnosis is difficult as classical clinical, ECG and radiological signs are usually absent. Rapid enlargement of the cardiac silhouette or just cardiomegaly in the presence of a severe infection are the usual modes of presentation. Echocardiography is the easiest and safest way to confirm the pericardial effusion. Surgical drainage is essential.
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