Digital imaging analysis of normal, hyperplastic and malignant endometrial cells in endometrial brushing samples

Autor: Y S, Fu, A, Ferenczy, I, Huang, M M, Gelfand
Rok vydání: 1988
Zdroj: Analytical and quantitative cytology and histology. 10(2)
Popis: Sixty cytologic specimens obtained by endometrial brushing (using the Gynecyte device) were quantitated by digital imaging techniques. These samples included 25 from normal endometria, 6 from persistent proliferative endometria, 14 from cystic or adenomatous hyperplasias and 15 from carcinomas. The morphometric parameters surveyed included mean cell area, nuclear area, perimeter and long and short axes. The amount of hematoxylin dye in the nuclei was expressed by mean transmittance (mean of gray levels) and chromatin index (standard deviation of gray levels). The frequency distributions of cells derived from normal tissue and persistent proliferative endometrium were quite similar. The quantitative parameters of cystic and adenomatous hyperplasia, although intermediate between those of normal endometrium and carcinoma, were closer to the former than to the latter. Using stepwise discriminant analysis of the morphometric parameters, 83% of the specimens were correctly classified into the categories of normal/persistent proliferative, hyperplasia and carcinoma. The accuracy was improved to 88% when densitometric parameters were added. This study demonstrates the potential application of digital imaging techniques to the distinction and classification of normal, hyperplastic and malignant endometrial cells.
Databáze: OpenAIRE