User-definable Medication Favorites for an Outpatient Electronic Medical Record System

Autor: Wang, Samuel J., Kuperman, Gilad J., Turetsky, Masha, Galperin, Irene, Bates, David W.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2001
Popis: Use of a medication favorites list can decrease computerized online prescribing time significantly. We have implemented a medication favorites feature that allows users to create their own list of frequently used medication orders to facilitate online prescribing in an electronic medical record system. In this analysis, we studied the usage patterns of both favorites users and non-favorites users. Over a recent 3-month period, we found that 55 of 433 (12.7%) users had created and used a favorites list. We found that this feature is well used, but only by a subset of users. More opportunities exist to streamline online prescribing.
Databáze: OpenAIRE