Contemporary methods of auditory training

Autor: Đoković, Sanja, Slavnić, Svetlana, Ostojić, Sanja, Kovačević, Tamara, Barlov, Ivana
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija
Popis: Auditory training is one of the most common forms of work in the process of rehabilitation of hearing impaired children. In the last few decades, there has been a sudden expansion and development of auditory training, which enabled intensive technological development in the field of electroacoustics. The progress of methodological approaches has followed this development, which led to the emergence of a number of different methods of auditory training. The aim of this paper is to present contemporary methods of auditory training systematically and clearly. Another objective is to present some of the general classifications of these methods. All this enables better understanding of contemporary developments in auditory training, specifically the selection methods to be applied in the process of rehabilitation, faster achievement of planned objectives and effects, etc. From analyzing the literature we can conclude that there are many methods of auditory training that can be classified based on several criteria: with regard to the approach in working with children with hearing impairments, with regard to the objective of auditory training, and with regard to the content of auditory training methods. Auditorni trening je jedan od najzastupljenijih oblika rada u procesu rehabilitacije dece oštećenog sluha. Poslednjih decenija dolazi do nagle ekspenzije i razvoja auditornog treninga što je omogućeno intenzivnim tehnološkim razvojem u oblasti elektroakustike. Prateći upravo ovaj razvoj dolazi i do napredovanja u metodološkim pristupima što dovodi do pojave većeg broja različitih metoda auditornog treninga. Cilj rada je bio da se na sistematičan i pregledan način prikažu savremene metode auditornog treninga. Takođe, cilj je bio i da se predstave neke od ponuđenih opštih klasifikacija ovih metoda. Ova znanja omogućavaju bolje razumevanje savremenih dostignuća iz oblasti auditornog treninga, preciznije odabiranje metoda koje će se primeniti u procesu re/habilitacije, brže postizanje planiranih ciljeva i efekata i dr. Analizom literature može se zaključiti da postoji veliki broj metoda auditornog treninga koje su mogu klasifikovati na osnovu nekoliko kriterijuma: u odnosu na pristup u radu sa decom oštećenog sluha, u odnosu na cilj auditornog treninga, u odnosu na sadržaj auditornog treninga.
Databáze: OpenAIRE