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Neurofibromatoses are a set of different genetic disorders that have a common characteristic of the appearance of nervous system tumors. There are three forms of the disease, of which type 1 neurofibromatosis (NF 1) is the most common. NF 1 is an inherited autosomal-dominant disease, with a high rate of new mutations. In addition to the many physical manifestations and complications that occur in persons with NF 1, there are also numerous cognitive difficulties, including lower general intellectual functioning, learning difficulties, but also problems in attention, visual abilities, executive functions, and speech. Attention disorders are up to three times more common in people with NF 1, while learning disabilities are present in more than half of these subjects. Disturbances in the field of visuospatial perception are recognisable even in the preschool period. About 80% of children with NF1 exhibit various speech and language disorders: slow early speech development, slower vocabulary enrichment, syntactic, semantic and phonological speech disorders. Disruption of executive functions will manifest itself in the areas of working memory, organisation, planning / problem solving. This will reflect as the underperformance in academic achievement. Nearly one-third of these persons have emotional and social problems. Neurofibromatoze su skup različitih genetskih poremećaja kojima je zajednička karakteristika pojava tumora nervnog sistema. Razlikuju se tri oblika bolesti, od kojih je neurofibromatoza tip 1 (NF 1) najčešća. Nasleđuje se autozomno-dominantno, sa visokom stopom novih mutacija. Pored brojnih fizičkih manifestacija i komplikacija koje se ispoljavaju kod osoba sa NF 1, prisutne su i brojne kognitivne teškoće, uključujući i opšte intelektualno funkcionisanje, smetnje učenja, ali i problemi na nivou pažnje, vizuo-spacijalnih sposobnosti, egzekutivnih funkcija, pa i govora. Poremećaj pažnje je i do tri puta češći kod osoba sa NF 1, dok su smetnje u učenju prisutne kod više od polovine ovih osoba. Poremećaji na planu vizuospacijalne percepcije su prepoznatljivi još u predškolskom periodu. Oko 80% dece s NF 1 pokazuje različite poremećaje govora i jezika - usporen rani razvoj govora, sporije obogaćivanje rečnika, sintaksičke, semantičke i fonološke poremećaje govora. Poremećaj egzekutivnih funkcija će se ispoljiti na planu radne memorije, organizacije, planiranja/ rešavanja problema. Ovo će se odraziti na na slabija postignuća u akademskom obrazovanju. Skoro jedna trećina osoba sa NF 1 ima emocionalne i socijalne probleme. |