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Stroke can cause various forms of dysarthria in patients. Studies of dysarthria in this population are relatively rare, and empirical data on its frequency are quite variable. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of dysarthria in stroke patients referred for speech therapy. The sample consisted of 152 subjects with stroke who were referred for a speech therapy examination. The age of the respondents was 55 years (SD = 10.04), the average age of education was 13 years (SD = 10.04), the male person was 98 (64.4%), while the female person was 54 (35.5%). The average time from stroke was 8 months (SD = 18.92). The examinedes were in inpatient rehabilitation treatment at the Clinic for Rehabilitation “Dr. Miroslav Zotović” in Belgrade, in the period from September 1, 2020 to September 1, 2021. years. A screening test for dysarthria was used to determine the presence of dysarthria. From the statistical tests, descriptive statistics, Chi square test, and T test were used. The results showed the presence of dysarthria in 44 (29%) subjects included in the study. Given the high incidence of dysarthria in persons after stroke, the data indicate the importance of timely assessment and treatment to enable the best possible functioning of the person in everyday life and communication Moždani udar (MU) može da uzrokuje različite forme dizartrije kod obolelih. Studije dizartrije u ovoj populaciji su relativno retke, a empirijski podaci o njenoj učestalosti prilično varijabilni. Cilj ovog rada je utvrđivanje učestalosti dizartrije kod pacijenata sa moždanim udarom koji su upućeni na logopedski tretman. Uzorak se sastojao od 152 ispitanika sa MU koji su upućeni na logopedski pregled. Starosna dob ispitanika bila je 55 godina (SD = 10.04), prosečne godine obrazovanja bile su 13 godina (SD = 10.04), osoba muškog pola bilo je 98 (64,4%), dok je osoba ženskog pola bilo 54 (35,5%). Prosečno vreme od povrede iznosilo je 8 meseci (SD = 18.92). Ispitanici su se nalazili na stacionarnom rehabilitacionom tretmanu na Klinici za rehabilitaciju ’’dr Miroslav Zotović’’ u Beogradu, u periodu od 01.09.2020 do 01.09.2021. godine. U određivanju prisutva dizartrije korišćen je Skrining test za dizartriju. Od statističkih testova korišćena je deskriptivna statistika, Hi kvadrat test, i T test. Rezultati su pokazali prisustvo dizartrije kod 44 (29%) ispitanika uključenih u studiju. S obzirom na visoku učestalost dizartrije kod osoba nakon MU, podaci ukazuju na značaj pravovremene procene i tretmana kako bi se omogućilo što bolje funkcionisanje osobe u svakodnevnom živototu i komunikaciji. |