Dependence of the solid-liquid interface structure on the solidification process parameters

Autor: Radojević, Vesna, Valčić, Andreja, Nikolić, Slobodanka N.
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Metalurgija
Popis: Influence of the solidification rate, temperature gradient and initial concentration of the solute on the interface shape was investigated during solidification from the melt. The dependence of the microstructure on the parameter G/(RC0) was observed. As the value of G/(RC0) was lowered the shape of the interface was changed from the plane to the cellular and than to the dendrites. Specific microstructure correspond to the particular range of the G/(RCo) value. Ispitivan je uticaj brzine očvršćavanja, temperaturnog gradijenta i početne koncentracije rastvorljive komponente na razvoj oblika granice faza tokom očvršćavanja iz rastopa. Uočena je zavisnost mikrostrukture uzoraka od parametra G/(RC()). Sa opadanjem vrednosti ovog parametra dolazi do postepene promene oblika granice faza od ravne, preko ćelijske do dendritne. Odredjenom opsegu vrednosti parametra G/(RC0) odovara i odredjena mikrostruktura.
Databáze: OpenAIRE