The influence of absorbed radiation dose on the degree of oxidative stress in rabbitsʹ organs after computed tomography performed by different protocols

Autor: Mitrović, Marko Jumake
Přispěvatelé: Lazarević Macanović, Mirjana, Oreščanin-Dušić, Zorana, Krstić, Nikola, Blagojević, Duško, Ciraj Bjelac, Olivera
Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: Usage of computed tomography (CT) is very frequent, both in human and veterinary medicine. Bearing in mind that the radiation dose, that patient receive during CT examination, is several times higher than during conventional radiography, much attention is devoted to evaluate necessity of this diagnostic procedure and its optimization, along with the minimal exposure of patients to the radiation load. According to this, the main goal of these investigations was to explore a correlation between absorbed radiation doses and the degree of activity of antioxidant enzymes in rabbit organs following CT examination performed by different tube voltage and amperage values. Experiment was conducted on 66 mature male New Zealand rabbits divided in 11 groups, consisting of six animals each. Animals from the control groups (NT) were not irradiated and were sacrificed immediately after two hours (group A1) and seven days (group A2) following anesthesia induced by ketamine and xylasine. Animals from the remaining eight groups were anesthetized, prior to irradiation, to ensure still positioning during CT examination. All examinations were performed under the following conditions: U 110 kV, I 63 mA, te 1 s, T 10 mm, CTDIw 17.9 mGy (groups I1 and I2); U 130 kV, I 63 mA, te 1 s, T 10 mm, CTDIw 25.2 mGy (groups II1 and II2); U 110 kV, I 105 mA, te 1 s, T 10 mm, CTDIw 29.8 mGy (groups III1 and III2) and U 130 kV, I 105 mA, te 1 s, T 10 mm, CTDIw 42.1 mGy (groups IV1 and IV2). Animals from the groups I1, II1, III1 and IV1 were sacrificed two hours following irradiation, while rabbits from the groups I2, II2, III2 and IV2 were sacrificed after seven days. Immediately after sacrifice, performed by decapitation method, organ samples were taken (blood – erythrocytes, brain, lungs, heart, liver, spleen, kidney, small intestine and testicles) for estimation of the following antioxidant enzyme activity: superoxide dismutase (SOD), Mn superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), Copper-Zinc superoxide dismutase CuZnSOD, catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and glutathione reductase (GR). Values, of the antioxidant enzyme activities in investigated samples, were then compared with values of the absorbed doses calculated on the previously constructed voxel phantom of the representative rabbit. According to the fact, that erythrocytes and small intestine can't be presented in voxel geometry, the degree of oxidative changes in these structures was compared to CTDIw values... Upotreba kompjuterizovane tomografije (CT) je veoma frekventna, kako u humanoj, tako i u veterinarskoj medicini. Imajući u vidu činjenicu da su doze zračenja koje pacijent primi prilikom CT pregleda višestruko veće od doza koje primi tokom konvencionalne rendgenografije, velika paţnja se posvećuje proceni opravdanosti ove vrste dijagnostičkog postupka i njegovoj optimizaciji, uz minimalno izlaganje pacijenata radijacionom opterećenju. Shodno tome, osnovni cilj ovog istraţivanja je podrazumevao ispitivanje korelacije izmeĎu apsorbovanih doza zračenja i stepena aktivnosti antioksidativnih enzima u pojedinim organima kunića nakon CT pregleda obavljenog pri različitim vrednosti napona i jačine struje u rendgenskoj cevi. Eksperiment je izvršen na 66 polno zrelih muţjaka novozelandskog belog kunića, rasporeĎenih u 11 eksperimentalnih grupa, sa po šest ţivotinja u svakoj. Kontrolne grupe kunića nisu izlagane zračenju već su ţrtvovane odmah (grupa NT), odnosno dva sata (grupa A1) i sedam dana (grupa A2) nakon primene anestezije koja je postignuta upotrebom ketamina i ksilazina. Ţivotinje iz preostalih osam grupa su, pre izlaganja x-zračenju, najpre anestezirane, kako bi se obezbedilo njihovo mirovanje tokom CT pregleda. Sva snimanja su izvršena pod sledećim uslovima: U 110 kV, I 63 mA, te 1 s, T 10 mm, CTDIw 17,9 mGy (I1 i I2 grupa); U 130 kV, I 63 mA, te 1 s, T 10 mm, CTDIw 25,2 mGy (II1 i II2 grupa); U 110 kV, I 105 mA, te 1 s, T 10 mm, CTDIw 29,8 mGy (III1 i III2 grupa) i U 130 kV, I 105 mA, te 1 s, T 10 mm, CTDIw 42,1 mGy (IV1 i IV2 grupa). Ţivotinje iz I1, II1, III1 i IV1 grupe su bile ţrtvovane dva sata nakon snimanja, dok su kunići iz I2, II2, III2 i IV2 grupe ţrtvovani nakon sedam dana. Neposredno po ţrtvovanju obavljenom metodom dekapitacije, od svih ţivotinja je prikupljan biološki materijal (uzorci krvi eritrocita, mozga, pluća, srca, jetre, slezine, bubrega, tankog creva i semenika) u kojima je odreĎivana aktivnost sledećih antioksidativnih enzima: superoksid dismutaze (SOD), mangan superoksid dismutaze (MnSOD), bakar-cink superoksid dismutaze (CuZnSOD), katalaze (CAT), glutation peroksidaze (GSH-Px) i glutation reduktaze (GR). Izmerene aktivnosti antioksidativnih enzima u ispitivanim uzorcima su komparirane sa vrednostima asporbovanih doza koje su izračunate na predhodno konstruisanom voksel fantomu reprezentativnog kunića. S obzirom na činjenicu da eritrocite i tanko crevo nije moguće prikazati u voksel geometriji, stepen oksidativnih promena u ovim strukturama je poreĎen sa CTDIw vrednostima...
Databáze: OpenAIRE