Development of novel target modules for retargeting of UniCAR T cells to GD2 positive tumor cells

Autor: Mitwasi, N., Feldmann, A., Bergmann, R., Berndt, N., Arndt, C., Koristka, S., Kegler, A., Jureczek, J., Hoffmann, A., Ehninger, A., Cartellieri, M., Albert, S., Rössig, C., Ehninger, G., Pietzsch, J., Steinbach, J., Bachmann, M.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Oncotarget 8(2017), 108584-108603
Popis: As the expression of a tumor associated antigen (TAA) is commonly not restricted to tumor cells adoptively transferred T cells modified to express a conventional chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) might not only destroy the tumor cells but also attack target-positive healthy tissues. Furthermore, CAR T cells in patients with large tumor bulks will unpredictably proliferate and put the patients at high risk of adverse side effects including cytokine storms and tumor lysis syndrome. To overcome these problems, we previously established a modular CAR technology termed UniCAR: UniCAR T cells can repeatedly be turned on and off via dosing of a target module (TM). TMs are bispecific molecules which cross-link UniCAR T cells with target cells. After elimination of the respective TM, UniCAR T cells automatically turn off. Here we describe novel TMs against the disialoganglioside GD2 which is overexpressed in neuroectodermal but also many other tumors. In the presence of GD2-specific TMs, we see a highly efficient target-specific and -dependent activation of UniCAR T cells, secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and tumor cell lysis both in vitro and experimental mice. According to PET-imaging anti-GD2 TM enrich at the tumor site and are rapidly eliminated thus fulfilling all prerequisites of a UniCAR TM.
Databáze: OpenAIRE