Physico-chemical characterization of Seaborgium as oxide hydroxide

Autor: Hübener, S., Brüchle, W., Dressler, R., Eichler, B., Gäggeler, H. W., Grantz, M., Heyne, H., Jäger, E., Jost, D. T., Kirbach, U. u. a.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: I. Intern. Conference in the Chemistry and Physics of the Transactinide Elements TAV 99
Popis: The physico-chemical characterization of seaborgium as oxide hydroxide, performed in 1998 at the GSI accelerator UNILAC, continues earlier gas chromatographic studies of seabor-gium oxychlorides [1, 2]. In our former studies seaborgium behaved like a typical group 6 element despite the relativistic effects, which are increasing with the nuclear charge and cause unexpected chemical properties of the lighter transactinide elements rutherfordium and dubnium [3, 4]. To characterize seaborgium its properties have to be compared with those of other elements, first of all its homologues molybdenum and tungsten. The clear gra-dation of their chemical properties favors the oxides of the group 6 elements for studies of the influence of relativistic effects on the chemical properties of seaborgium. All the more as gas chromatographic studies of oxides or oxide hydroxides, respectively, provide high selec-tivity with regard to the lighter transactinides and interfering actinides. But on the other hand, the surface reactions dissociative adsorption and associative desorption governing the reac-tion ...
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