Experimental news from a theoretical state: The 'ppK

Autor: Epple, E., Adamczewski-Musch, J., Arnold, O., Atomssa, E. T., Behnke, C., Berger-Chen, J. C., Biernat, J., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Deveaux, C., Dybczak, A., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gill, K., Golubeva, M., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, K., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krása, Antonín, Krebs, E., Kuc, H., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michel, J., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Palka, M., Parpottas, Yiannis, Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petousis, Vlassis, Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Rehnisch, L., Reshetin, A., Rost, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schmidt-Sommerfeld, K., Schuldes, H., Sellheim, P., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Sobolev, Yu G., Spataro, S., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Strzempek, P., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, Haralambos, Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V., Wendisch, C., Wirth, J., Wüstenfeld, J., Zanevsky, Y., Zumbruch, P.
Přispěvatelé: Tsertos, Haralambos [0000-0001-5966-343X]
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Proceedings of Science
52nd International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio 2014
Popis: We present p+p data, measured by the HADES spectrometer at EKin(proton)=3.5 GeV. We have analyzed the final state p+ p→ pLK+ in view of a possible intermediate state p+ p→KNN + K+. The KNN is the lightest candidate for a cluster of an anti-kaon bound to nucleons, and a current topic of theoretical and experimental interest. We have analyzed our data with a Partial- Wave Analysis that includes also the production of intermediate N∗-resonances (→ K+Λ). The result of the fit describes the data well and a statistical test showed no major deviations between model and data which could be attributed to a production of a kaonic nuclear bound state. We have, thus, started to focus on the determination of an upper limit of its production cross section. © Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence. 27-31-January-2014 Sponsors: Conference code: 121992
Databáze: OpenAIRE