Strawberry tree - properties and uses

Autor: Kovačević, Kristina
Přispěvatelé: Ljubenkov, Ivica, Odžak, Renata, Vuko, Elma
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Obična planika (Arbutus unedo L.) je vazdazeleni grm ili nisko drvo koje raste u zemljama duž Mediterana i atlantskom području zapadne Europe. Pronađeni bioaktivni spojevi u običnoj planici kao što su polifenoli, flavonoidi, vitamini (C i E), terpenoidi, organske kiseline i karotenoidi smatraju se zaslužnima za karakteristična svojstva biljke, prvenstveno antioksidativna. Pored upotrebe u tradicionalnoj medicini u liječenju gastrointestinalnih i uroloških problema, hipertenzije i srčanih bolesti, ova se biljka sve više primjenjuje u prehrambenoj industriji za izradu džemova, sirupa, alkoholnih pića i meda te šumarstvu zahvaljujući brzoj regeneraciji opožarenih površina.
Strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) is an evergreen shrub or low tree that grows in countries along the Mediterranean and the Atlantic area of Western Europe. The bioactive compounds found in strawberry tree such as polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamins (C and E), terpenoids, organic acids, and carotenoids are considered to be responsible for the characteristic properties of the plant, primarily antioxidant. In addition to its use in traditional medicine in the treatment of gastrointestinal and urological problems, hypertension and heart disease, this plant began to be used in the food industry for the production of jams, syrups, alcoholic beverages and honey, and forestry due to rapid regeneration of burned areas.
Databáze: OpenAIRE