Poslovno vođenje u poduzeću Studenac d.o.o. : završni rad

Autor: Pavić, Marin
Přispěvatelé: Dulčić, Želimir
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Vodstvo, kao jedna od 5 temeljnih funkcija menadžmenta, predstavlja jako bitnu ulogu uspjeha poduzeća na tržištu. Vodstvo je jako kompliciran i zahtjevan dio menadžmenta jer vodeći ljudi poput menadžer i vlasnika kompanija moraju svakodnevno utjecati na svoje zaposlenike na način da u njih implementiraju svoje zamišljene ciljeve i da ih motiviraju za radom kako bi ti ciljevi bili ostvarivi. Naravno ako je netko dobio moć upravljanja i vođenja ujedno ne mora značiti da je on lider. Jako velik utjecaj na kvalitetno vođenje ima i emocionalna inteligencija koja je prethodno opisana u radu. Menadžer bez visoke emocionalne inteligencije će imati poteškoće u motiviranju radnika na izvršavanje svojih poslova i samim tim neće ostvariti zacrtane ciljeve poduzeća. Praktični dio rada opisuje 5 temeljnih funkcija menadžmenta kao i razine menadžmenta u nekom poduzeću. Također opisuje Autokratski stil vodstva, Demokratski stil vodstva i Liberalni stil vodstva kao i emocionalnu inteligenciju te uz to opisano je poduzeće Studenac d.o.o. U praktičnom dijelu rada analiziraju se rezultati ankete koja se odnosi na pogled radnika na vodstvo poduzeća i kako zaposlenici gledaju na poduzeće u kojem su zaposleni. Svako pitanje je ukratko obrađeno i prokomentirano. U konačnici zaključak je da svako podouzeće koje ima ciljeve konkurati na tržištu ili ima aspiracije postati lider na domaćem ili globalnom tržištu, mora biti kvalitetno vođeno od strane svog menadžmenta jer bez tog elementa, svako poduzeće je osuđeno na propast u budućnosti. Leadership, as one ofthe 5 fundamental functions of management, represents a veryi mportant role for the company's success on the market. Leadership is a very complicated and demanding par tof management because leading people such as managers and company owners have to influence their employees on a daily basis in such a way that they implement their imagined goals in them and motivate them to work so that these goals are achievable. Ofcourse, if someone has been given the power of management and leadership, it does not necessarily mean that he is a leader. Emotional intelligence, which was previously described in the paper, also has a great influence on quality leadership. A manager without high emotional intelligence will have difficulties in motivating workers to perform their jobs and therefore will not achieve the set goals of the company. The practical part of the work describes 5 basic functions of management as well as management levels in a company. It also describes Autocraticsty style leadership, Democraticsty style leadership and Liberal style of leadership as well as emotionali ntelligence and also describes the company Studenac d.o.o. In the practical part of the paper, the results of the survey are analyzed, which refers to th eworkers' view ofthe management of the company and how employees view the company in which they are employed. Each question is briefly addressed and commented on. In the end, the conclusion is that any company that aims to compete on the market or has aspirations to become a leader on the domestic or global market must be well led by its management, because without this element, every company is doomed to fail in the future.
Databáze: OpenAIRE