Charlemagne and the church

Autor: Kalmar, Luka
Přispěvatelé: Kurelić, Robert
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Karlov odnos s papinstvom nije ništa drugo doli kontinuacija suradnje koja je uspostavljena još za vrijeme njegova oca, Pipina. Međutim, korijene franačkog zaokreta kršćanstvu treba tražiti još krajem 5. stoljeća, kada je Hilderika naslijedio Klodvig. On se, naime, krajem 5. stoljeća i sam pokrstio te najavio početak jedne nove ere. Karlov djed i začetnik te moćne dinastije, Karlo Martel, u prvoj je polovici 8. stoljeća odbio pomoći papi, no to je bila samo privremena odgoda suradnje do koje je došlo u budućnosti. Pipinovom suradnjom s papom Zaharijom, odnosno Stjepanom II. započinje era karolinško-papinskoga saveza. Za Klodvigova vremena Merovinzi su bili vrlo moćni, no njihova će moć u budućnosti početi kopniti. Kako je vrijeme odmicalo, bivali su sve slabiji. Postali su tek figura, koja ne odlučuje ni o čemu, dok naposlijetku nisu zbačeni s trona. Bio je to događaj koji je označio uspon karolinške dinastije na vlast i koji je nagovijestio rast moći i ugleda Franačkoga Kraljevstva. Karlo vlada odrješito i suvereno, proširuje granice svoje domene i usko surađuje s papinstvom za svoje vladavine. Srednjovjekovna je Crkva prolazila kroz vrlo burno razdoblje. Preživjela je pokušaj zatiranja i silne progone za vrijeme Rimskoga Carstva. Međutim, pojedini su mu carevi bili skloni i gledali su vrlo blagonaklono na kršćanstvo, zbog čega ono nakon nekog vremena doživljava afirmaciju i rast svoga ugleda unutar Rimskoga Carstva. Razdoblje prosperiteta i represije gotovo se neprestano izmjenjivalo, a Katolička je Crkva ponovno bila izložena nesigurnosti s padom Rimskoga Carstva na Zapadu. Pa ipak, ne samo da se uspjela održati, već je povećala svoj ugled i silno se obogatila. Također, okretanjem Zapadu i Francima, udaljila se od Istoka i cara u Carigradu. Iako je razdoblje ranoga srednjeg vijeka bilo vrlo burno, rimski su biskupi načelno postepeno povećavali svoju moć i ugled. Tako su od pontifikata pape Grgura I. krajem 6. i početkom 7. stoljeća do pontifikata pape Grgura VII. u drugoj polovici 11. stoljeća znatno ojačali svoj položaj. Savez Karla i papinstva formalno počinje kada je odlučio intervenirati protiv Langobarda u Italiji i pomoći papinstvu na molbu pape Hadrijana I. Papa se referirao na činjenicu da je Karlo rimski patricij i zaštitnik kršćanstva, te Karlo početkom 772. godine kreće u pohod ne bi li pomogao papi. Pokorava Langobarde, vraća područja koja su papinstvu prethodno bila oduzeta, dodatno ih proširuje i proglašava se langobardskim kraljem. Putem liturgije, ikonografije i intitulacije može se iskazati suverenitet koji vladar ima nad određenim područjem. Manipulacijom tih triju elemenata vladar može dodatno učvrstiti svoju vlast i podsjetiti svoje podanike na svoj neupitni primat na dnevnoj bazi. Liturgija je bila neka vrsta simboličke komunikacije između vjernika i Boga, no u svakodnevnom provođenju liturgijskoga procesa bilo je moguće vješto usmjerenom manipulacijom dodatno izražavati element svjetovne vlasti, odnosno onoga koji vlada. Jednako tako, putem ikonografije, kao i intitulacije, također je bilo moguće iskazati autonomiju i moć pojedinoga vladara. Dobar dio svoje vladavine Karlo je proveo ratujući sa Sasima. Naime, njihovo je podvlašćivanje i pokrštavanje zapravo bilo svojevrsni imperativ. Graničili su s Francima i njihova je kristijanizacija i pokušaj asimilacije bio apsolutno neophodan za dugotrajan mir i prosperitet Franačke. Istaknuti kršćanski intelektualci uvelike su utjecali na razvoj kršćanske misli i kršćanskih ideala. Možemo izdvojiti nekoliko takvih pojedinaca, koji su iza sebe ostavili stanovit trag. No, jedan od najistaknutijih crkvenih prvaka svakako je Aurelije Augustin. Kroz svoja je djela, a posebice De civitate Dei, utjecao na oblikovanje nekih kršćanskih, a samim time i karolinških vjerskih, odnosno političkih ideala. Vrhunac papinsko-franačkih odnosa obilježava Karlova carska krunidba u Rimu. Zbilo se to 800. godine, a Karlo je uspješno i suvereno nosio svoju carsku titulu sve do svoje smrti u siječnju 814. godine. Charlemagne's relationship with the papacy is nothing but a continuity of cooperation that was established during the time of his father, Pippin. However, the roots of the Frankish turn to Christianity can be traced back to the end of the 5th century, when Hilderic was succeeded by Clovis. He was baptized at the end of the 5th century and announced the beginning of a new era. Charles' grandfather and the founder of this powerful dynasty, Charles Martel, refused to help the pope in the first half of the 8th century, but this was only a temporary postponement of the cooperation that took place in the future. With Pippin's collaboration with Pope Zachary and Stephen II., the era of the Franco-Papal alliance begins. During Clovis' reign, the Merovingians were very powerful, but their power would soon begin to wane. As time went on, they got weaker and weaker. They became merely a figure, deciding nothing, until they were finally dethroned. That was an event that marked the rise of the Carolingian dynasty to power and that heralded the growth of the power and reputation of the Frankish Kingdom. Charlemagne rules resolutely and sovereignly, he expands the borders of his domain, and during his reign, he works closely with the papacy. The Medieval Church was going through a very turbulent period. It survived an attempt at oppression and severe persecution during the Roman Empire. However, some emperors were inclined to Christianity and looked very favorably on it, which is why after some time Christianity experienced the affirmation and growth of its reputation within the Roman Empire. The times of prosperity and repression alternated almost constantly, and the Catholic Church was again exposed to insecurity with the fall of the Roman Empire in the West. Nevertheless, not only did she manage to survive, but she increased her reputation and became very rich. Also, by turning to the West and the Franks, she distanced herself from the East and the emperor in Constantinople. Although the period of the early Middle Ages was very turbulent, the Roman bishops generally gradually increased their power and reputation. Thus from the pontificate of Pope Gregory I. in the late 6th and early 7th centuries to the pontificate of Pope Gregory VII. in the second half of the 11th century, they managed to considerably strengthen their position. The alliance between Charlemagne and the papacy formally began when he decided to intervene against the Lombards in Italy and help the papacy at the request of Pope Hadrian I. The pope referred to the fact that Charles was a Roman patrician and protector of Christianity, and in early 772 Charles set out on a campaign to help the pope. He subjugates the Lombards, restores the areas previously taken from the papacy, expands them further, and proclaims himself king of the Lombards. Through liturgy, iconography and intitulation, the sovereignty that a ruler has over a certain area can be expressed. By manipulating these three elements, the ruler can further strengthen his power and remind his subjects of his unquestionable primacy on a day-to-day basis. The liturgy was a sort of symbolic communication between the faithful and God. In the daily conduct of the liturgical process, it was possible to skillfully express the element of secular authority, that is, the one that rules. Likewise, through iconography as well as intitulation, it was also possible to express the autonomy and power of an individual ruler. Charlemagne spent much of his reign at war with the Saxons. In fact, their subjugation and Christianization was imperative. They were Frankish neighbors and their Christianization and attempt at assimilation was absolutely necessary for the lasting peace and prosperity of the Franks. Prominent Christian intellectuals greatly influenced the development of Christian thought and Christian ideals. We can single out a few such individuals, who have left a certain mark behind. One of the most prominent church champions is certainly Augustine of Hippo. Through his works, and especially his De civitate Dei, he influenced the shaping of some Christian, and thus Carolingian religious and political ideals. The culmination of Franco-Papal relations is marked by Charles' imperial coronation in Rome. This happened in the year 800, and Charles successfully and sovereignly carried his imperial title until his death in January 814.
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