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Upravljanje prodajom je proces planiranja, provođenja i nadziranja funkcije osobne prodaje, a da bi prodaja bila uspješna potrebno je njezino planiranje prilikom kojeg se razvijaju strategije, postavljaju ciljevi, upravlja se potražnjom, a uspješno upravljanje prodajom osigurava dobar promet proizvoda, a samim time i zaradu ukupnog poslovanja. Maloprodaja uključuje sve radnje vezane uz izravnu prodaju dobara i usluga krajnjem korisniku za osobnu, neposlovnu upotrebu. Trgovina na malo obuhvaća sve transakcije u kojima kupac namjerava potrošiti proizvod kroz osobnu, obiteljsku i kućansku upotrebu te iz toga može se zaključiti da se radi o prodaji robe kućanstvu osobno ili aktiviranju kućanstva u maloprodaji. Hrvatska maloprodaja kreće se u skladu s europskim i svjetskim trendovima na način kojim nastoji što učinkovitije i uspješnije odgovoriti na želje i potrebe potrošača. U Europi je izražen trend prema povećanju koncentracije tržišnog udjela vodećih maloprodavača te se razina koncentracije na tržištu trgovine na malo robom široke potrošnje značajno povećala u posljednjih 20-tak godina. Ovim radom obrađeno je poduzeće DM drogerie markt d.o.o. te njihov način upravljanja prodajom, prodajnim osobljem i potrošačima. U skladu s temom rada, provedena su tri istraživanja od kojih se jedno odnosi na zadovoljstvo potrošača pružanjem DM-ovih usluga, drugo na zadovoljstvo prodavača u DM-u, a treće istraživanje obuhvaća upravljanje prodajom na temelju zaposlenih u DM-ovoj upravi u Zagrebu. Na kraju rada je osvrt na provedena istraživanja u kojem su iznijeti prijedlozi kojima bi DM mogao biti još bolji u pružanju svojih usluga. Sales Management is the process of planning, implementing and monitoring functions of personal sales and in order to make the sale successful, it is necessary to plan it. During the process strategies are developed, goals are set, the demand is managed and successful sales management ensures a good turnover of goods and therefore profit in overall business. Retailing includes all activities related to the direct sale of goods and services to the end user for personal, non-business use. Retail includes all transactions in which the buyer intends to spend the product through personal, family and household use, therefore it can be concluded that this is a sale of goods to households or household retail activation. Croatian retail is moving in line with the European and world trends in a way that it tries to respond to the wishes and needs of consumers effectively and efficiently. In Europe, there is a strong trend towards increasing the concentration of market share of leading retailers so that the level of concentration in the retail market of consumer goods has increased significantly in the last 20 years. This paper deals with the way of sales management, sales staff and the consumers of the company DM- drogerie markt Ltd. Following the topic of this work, three studies were conducted, one of which is related to the satisfaction of customers by DM's services. The second was related to the satisfaction of sellers in the managing team of DM and the third study includes sales management based on employees of DM's administration in Zagreb. At the end there is a review of the researches carried out with suggestions how DM could be even more successful in providing its services. |