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Uspješnost sportaša određena je kombinacijom pravilnih i kontinuiranih treninga te znanjem stručnog tima, ali i sportaševim antropološkim, funkcionalnim i motoričkim karakteristikama. Usklađivanjem svih parametara sportaš ima mogućnost zadovoljiti vrhunske kriterije. Razvojem tehnologije dolazi i do razvoja različitih dijagnostičkih postupaka koji mogu poslužiti kao kriterij za selekciju sportaša. Cilj je u ovome radu analizirati rezultate vrijednosti morfoloških, funkcionalnih i motoričkih sposobnosti nogometaša u različitim dobnim kategorijama. U radu je analizirano ukupno 75 nogometaša 1.HNL, i to 25 pionira, 25 kadeta i 25 juniora. Prikazanom analizom promatranih varijabli potvrđena je hipoteza kako su razlike među dobnim skupinama očite u svim kategorijama, a najviše su uočljive između igrača pionirskog i juniorskog uzrasta obzirom na raspon kronološke dobi. Suprotno tomu, razlike su najmanje evidentne kod pionira i kadeta, s obzirom da su te dvije skupine igrača približno jednake kronološke dobi. Iako su se juniori pokazali superiorniji u mnogim varijablama, i mlađi igrači imaju odlične rezultate, što upućuje na mogućnost ostvarenja vrhunskih rezultata, kroz vrijeme i uz predan rad. The success of athletes is determined by a combination of proper and continuous training and the knowledge of the professional team, but also by the athlete's anthropological, functional and motor characteristics. By harmonizing all parameters, the athlete has the opportunity to meet the highest criteria. The development of technology also leads to the development of various diagnostic procedures that can serve as criteria for the selection of athletes. The aim of this paper is to analyze the results of the morphological, functional and motor abilities of football players in different age categories. The paper analyzed a total of 75 football players of the 1st HNL, namely 25 pioneers, 25 cadets and 25 juniors. The presented analysis of the observed variables confirmed the hypothesis that differences between age groups are evident in all categories, and are most noticeable between players of pioneer and junior age considering the chronological age range. On the contrary, the differences are least evident in pioneers and cadets, considering that these two groups of players are approximately the same chronological age. Although the juniors proved to be superior in many variables, younger players also have excellent results, which points to the possibility of achieving top results, over time and with dedicated work. |