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U istraživanju se prikazuje teorija optimalnog valutnog područja i donose se kriteriji kojima bi se, prema Mundell - u, ostvarila optimalnost. Ugovorom iz Maastrichta osnovana je Europska unija i uveden je euro kao jedinstvena valuta, a nedostatkom nezavisne monetarne politike zemlje će se morati suočavati sa šokovima. U daljnjem se radu istražuje mobilnost radne snage kao važan mehanizam unutar EU kojim se regija želi obraniti od asimetričnih šokova i njen utjecaj na fleksibilnost tečaja. Tržište rada eurozone suočava se s velikom nezaposlenošću i slabom migracijom radnika, a problemi se nastoje riješiti akcijama i politikama Europske unije. The study presents the theory of optimal currency area and provides criteria that is, according to Mundell, necessary for a region to qualify for optimal area. The Treaty of Maastricht established the European Union and the euro was introduced as a single currency. The lack of independent monetary policy will face country with shocks. In a further paper, labour mobility is being investigated as an important mechanism within the EU as a protection against asymmetric shocks and its impact on the flexibility of the exchange rate. The EU labour market is faced with high unemployment and poor migration of workers, and the problem is trying to be solved by the EU's actions and policies. |