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Neke su se kulture u prošlosti maskom sluţile u svrhu rituala ili ratovanja, a u sociologiji se o njoj često govorilo u kontekstu goffmanovog koncepta samopredstavljanja gdje u prednjem planu ljudi nose maske sukladno ulogama koje igraju u društvu. Maska je posebno aktualizirana u kontekstu pandemije virusa COVID-19 koja ju je učinila sveprisutnom pri čemu je istaknuta njezina primarna svrha da zaštiti od prijenosa virusa. Uskoro postaje dio svakodnevice ljudi i u tom procesu poprima različita značenja. Cilj istraţivanja prikazanog u ovom radu bio je identificirati ta različita značenja s posebnim osvrtom na odnos izmeĎu društvenih pravila i normi i značenja te na masku kao moguće sredstvo izraţavanja identiteta. Analiza provedenih intervjua pokazuje da je maska za neke simbol odgovornog ponašanja, ali i simbol podjela i društvene netrpeljivosti. Strah od osude i konformizam je jedan od razloga za nošenje maske, a identificirano je i značenje maske kao statusnog simbola. Masku neki koriste i za izraţavanje drugih aspekata identiteta poput različitih interesa i opredjeljenja. Some ancient cultures used masks in rituals or wars and in sociology it was frequently used in Goffman's understading of self-presentation according to which people wear masks on the front stage while performing their social roles. In the context of the corona crisis, the mask has become ubiquitous with its aim to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Soon it became part of everyday routines and in this process it has acquired a variety of new meanings. The aim of the research presented in this thesis was to identify these different meanings with a particular focus on the relationship between social rules and norms and the face mask, as well as the mask as a medium for expressing oneself. The analysis of the conducted interviews shows that for some the mask has become a symbol of responsible behavior but it also symbolizes social divisions and intolerance. The fear of judgment and conformism are some of the motives for why people decide to wear the mask and the research found that masks can serve as status symbols. The mask is also used by some as a means for expressing other aspects of their identity including different interests and convictions. |