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Tema ovog diplomskog rada je uloga i značaj Studentskog savjetovališta iz suvremene pedagogijske perspektive. Suvremeno doba, više nego ikad, stavlja naglasak na brigu o mentalnom zdravlju pri nošenju s određenom teškoćom. Razdoblje studiranja kao izrazito stresan period kojeg obilježavaju različite krize, pred mlade stavlja brojne izazove s kojima se oni ponekad nisu u stanju samostalno nositi. Tada nastupa Studentsko savjetovalište, tijelo Sveučilišta zaduženo za pružanje pomoći i potpore studentima. Rad problematizira potrebu za postojanjem psihološkog savjetovanja studenata općenito te samu učinkovitost vremenski ograničene savjetodavne terapije. U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja provedenog intervjuranjem 10 djelatnika odnosno studenata korisnika Studentskog savjetovališta Sveučilišta u Zadru s ciljem dobivanja uvid u njegovu trenutnu kvalitetu rada i detektiranja prostora za napredak. Podatci, analizirani kvalitativno, pokazuju kako je kvaliteta rada zadarskog Studentskog savjetovališta na relativno dobroj razini. Ipak, i jedna i druga skupina ispitanika ističe određene nedostatke. Dok su za djelatnike to, u prvome redu, manjak stručnog kadra i nedovoljan broj prostorija za savjetovanje, studenti kao najveći nedostatak navode nedovoljno oglašivanje usluga i aktivnosti te neinformiranost o radu Savjetovališta općenito. The topic of this final paper is the role and the importance of the Student Counselling Center from the contemporary pedagogical perspective. Contemporary times, more than ever, put an emphasis on the mental health care while dealing with a certain difficulty. Studying at the University as an extremely stressful period marked with different crises, makes young people face different challenges they are sometimes not capable dealing with alone. That is when Student Counselling Center, a component of the university responsible for providing help and support to the students, gets into the picture. The paper problematizes the need for the student counselling centers in general and the very efficiency of the time-limited counselling. The paper presents the results of the survey conducted by interviewing 10 employees i.e. student users of the Student Counselling Center of University of Zadar in order to get insight into its current quality of work and detect potential room for improvement. Data, analyzed qualitatively, indicates that the quality of work of Zadar’s Student Counselling Center is on relatively good level. However, both groups of examinees identify certain disadvantages. While for the employees, those are primarily the lack of personnel and the insufficient number of rooms for counselling, students state that the biggest disadvantage is the insufficient promotion of services and activities and the lack of awareness of the work of the center in general. |