Sustavi ubrizgavanja goriva brodskih dvotaktnih motora

Autor: Kovačević, Ivan
Přispěvatelé: Gospić, Ivan
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: Završni rad koncipiran je od sedam temeljnih poglavlja vezanih uz zadanu temu. U prvom poglavlju iznose se uvodna razmatranja, te osnovne značajke sustava goriva na brodu, kojem se želi dati uvid u temu rada. U drugom poglavlju navedena je osnovna podjela tekućih goriva, te parametri brodskih goriva. Treće poglavlje odnosi se na cjelokupni proces ukrcaja goriva, osnovna obilježja tankova za skladištenje i pripremu goriva, te proces transfera goriva između tankova. Proces pripreme i dobave goriva obraditi ćemo u četvrtom poglavlju, uz detaljni opis sustava za pročišćavanja i pripremu. Također će se obraditi dobava goriva do motora. Peto poglavlje odnosi se na cjelokupan proces ubrizgavanja goriva, ponajviše se objašnjavaju osnovni dijelovi sustava te njihov princip rada. Objašnjeni su i uloga trenutka, smjera i količine raspršivanja goriva, te vrste raspršivanja goriva. Posebni sustav ubrizgavanja goriva Common rail objašnjen je u šestom poglavlju. Navest ćemo princip rada Common rail sustava i njegove najvažnije komponente. U sedmom ili zaključnom poglavlju bit ce izneseni zaključci koji su ishod dugotrajnog korištenja goriva na brodovima. The final work is conceived of the seven basic chapters related to the given theme. The first chapter presents the introductory considerations and the basic features of the fuel system on board, which is intended to give insight into the topic of work. The second chapter deals with the basic distribution of liquid fuels and the parameters of marine fuels. The third section refers to the entire process of fuel loading, the basic features of tanks for storage and fuel preparation, and the process of fuel transfer between tanks. The process of preparation and supply of fuels will be discussed in the fourth chapter, with a detailed description of the purification and preparation system. It will also handle fuel delivery to the engine. The fifth chapter refers to the entire fuel injection process, most of which explains the basic parts of the system and their working principle. The role of the moment, the direction and amount of fuel spraying, and the kind of spray of fuel are also explained. The specific Common Rail fuel injection system is explained in Chapter Six. We will mention the principle of work of the common rail system and its most important components. In the seventh or final chapter, conclusions will be drawn that are the outcome of long-term fuel use on ships.
Databáze: OpenAIRE