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Metoda tranzita je metoda za otkrivanje ekstrasolarnih planeta. Analiziraju se svjetlosne krivulje zvijezda koje se promatraju duži vremenski period te se traži karakteristični pad u jačini svjetlosti zvijezde koji se događa periodički. Na taj način može se utvrditi gravitacijski utjecaj zvijezde na objekt do te mjere da on kruži oko spomenute zvijezde. Ukoliko je masa objekta dovoljno velika i ukoliko dovoljno dugo kruži oko zvijezde, sustav objekta, tj. planeta i zvijezde postaje stabilan i može se zaključiti da se radi o stalnom planetu tog sustava. U radu je napravljena analiza 5088 zvijezda koje su promatrane 80 dana putem NASA-inog Kepler teleskopa. Podaci su uneseni u tablice koje se referencira u napisanom kodu te se pravi analiza i vizualizacija dobivenih vrijednosti teleskopa. Od 5088 promatranih zvijezda, 38 zvijezda se trenutno smatra kandidatima za zvijezde oko kojih kruži jedan ili više ekstrasolarni planet. The transit method is a method for detecting extrasolar planets. The light curves of stars that are observed over a longer period of time are analyzed and a characteristic drop in the light intensity of the star that occurs periodically is sought. In this way, the gravitational influence of the star on the object can be determined to the extent that it orbits the said star. If the mass of the object is large enough and if it orbits the star long enough, the system of the object, i.e. the planet and the star, becomes stable and it can be concluded that it is a permanent planet of that system. The paper analyzed 5088 stars that were observed for 80 days by NASA's Kepler telescope. The data is entered into tables that are referenced in the written code, and the obtained telescope values are analyzed and visualized. Of the 5088 observed stars, 38 stars are currently considered candidates for stars orbiting one or more extrasolar planets. |