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Background: Short-term, middle-term and long-term goal-setting are few of the tools we regularly use in hopes to enhance the results in sports rehabilitation. In this article we present the results of sports rehabilitation goal-setting questionnaire that was answered by a group of female volleyball players. We describe who is important in goal-setting process, what are the main sport goals in our group of volleyball players and the importance of rehabilitation for achieving them, how rehabilitation goals change during the season and factors that motivate and obstruct the process of achieving those goals. Methods: 20 professional female volleyball players completed sports rehabilitation goal-setting questionnaire. Results: Importance of rehabilitation for achieving sports goals was evaluated with average score of 9.4 / 10. Half of the players thought goal setting is team work. Sixty-seven (67 %) perform rehabilitation at sports physiotherapist. During important part of the season half of the players would prefer quick return to the game even without complete rehabilitation. During unimportant part of the season 75 % of the players would prefer complete rehabilitation. Thirty-nine (39 %) of the players uses absence of pain to evaluate rehabilitation success. Achieving top results is the main sports goal for 63 %. Fifty-five (55 %) do not have problems achieving the goals. Satisfaction after achieving the goal motivates 68 % of the players. Conclusion: Rehabilitation is very important in the process of achieving sports goals. Goal-setting is team work. Most of the players complete rehabilitation with sports physiotherapist. Season part importance influences rehabilitation goal-setting. Internal motivation fuels the athletes in achieving their goals and most of the players do not have problems achieving them. Ozadje: Zastavljanje kratkoročnih, srednjeročnih in dolgoročnih ciljev v rehabilitaciji športnih poškodb redno uporabljamo kot eno od orodij, s katerimi skušamo izboljšati izid rehabilitacije. V članku smo na podlagi rezultatov vprašalnika o ciljih v športni rehabilitaciji, ki ga je izpolnila skupina vrhunskih igralk odbojke, opisali, kakšen je pomen rehabilitacije pri doseganju športnih ciljev, kdo sodeluje pri postavljanju ciljev rehabilitacije, ali se rehabilitacijski cilji spreminjajo glede na pomembnost tekmovanja, kakšni so športni cilji igralk ter kaj igralke motivira in kaj ovira pri doseganju rehabilitacijskih ciljev. Metode: 20 vrhunskih igralk odbojke je izpolnilo vprašalnik o ciljih v športni rehabilitaciji. Rezultati: Pomembnost rehabilitacije pri doseganju športnih ciljev so igralke odbojke ocenile z 9,4/10. Polovica igralk je menila, da je zastavljanje rehabilitacijskih ciljev ekipno delo. Rehabilitacijo poškodb 67 % igralk opravi pri športnem fizioterapevtu. V primeru poškodbe sredi pomembnega dela prvenstva bi polovica igralk želela kljub nepopolni sanaciji poškodbe čim prej nadaljevati z igro, po končani sezoni pa bi 75 % igralk želelo popolnoma sanirati poškodbo. 39 % igralk meri uspešnost rehabilitacije z odsotnostjo bolečine. Vrhunski rezultat je glavni športni cilj 63 % igralk. 55 % igralk nima težav pri doseganju ciljev. Občutek zadovoljstva, ko dosežejo zastavljeni cilj, motivira 68 % igralk. Zaključek: Pri doseganju športnih ciljev so igralke odbojke rehabilitaciji pripisale velik pomen. Določanje ciljev rehabilitacije je po mnenju polovice anketiranih igralk odbojke ekipno delo, rehabilitacijo poškodb večina igralk opravi pri športnem fizioterapevtu. Časovna umestitev v različno pomemben del tekmovalne sezone vpliva na zastavljanje različnih ciljev rehabilitacije. Pri doseganju športnih ciljev igralke ženejo notranje oblike motivacije, pri doseganju zastavljenih ciljev večina igralk nima težav. |