Poklicna izpostavljenost alergenom v oksidativnih barvah za lase: Occupational exposure to allergens in oxidative hair dyes

Autor: Bilban, Marjan, Lunder, Tomaž, Zaletel, Polona
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Zdravniški vestnik
Popis: Oxidative hair dyes are the most important hair dying products. Hairdressers are exposed to the allergens found in oxidative hair dyes during the process of applying dyes to the hair, when cutting freshly dyed hair, or as a consequence of prior contamination of the working environment. pphenylenediamine, toluene-2,5-diamine and its sulphate are the most common ingredients in oxidative hair dyes that cause allergic contact dermatitis in hairdressers. Cross-reactivity of p-phenylenediamine with para-amino benzoic acid, sulphonamides, sulphonylurea, dapsone, azo dyes, benzocaine, procaine, and black henna temporary tattoos is possible. Allergic contact dermatitis is classified as delayed-type hypersensitivity, according to Coombs and Gell. Skin changes typically appear on the hands after previous sensitization to causative allergens. Combined with the patients overall medical and work history and clinical picture, epicutaneous testing is the basic diagnostic procedure for confirming the diagnosis and identifying the causative allergens. The simplest and most effective measure for preventing the occurrence of allergic contact dermatitis in hairdressers is prevention. Preventive measures should be applied as early as in the beginning stage of vocational guidance for this profession. It is important to include health education in the process of professional training and to implement general technical safety measures, in order to reduce sensitization to allergens in hairdressing. Here, special emphasis must be given to the correct use of protective gloves. Legislation must limit the concentration of allergenic substances in hair dyes, based on their potential hazards documented by scientific research. Oksidativne barve za lase so najpomembnejša sredstva za barvanje las. Frizerji so alergenom v oksidativnih barvah za lase izpostavljeni ob nanašanju barve na lase, striženju sveže pobarvanih las in zaradi kontaminiranosti delovnega okolja. Najpogostejše sestavine v oksidativnih barvah za lase, ki povzročijo alergijski kontaktni dermatitis pri frizerjih, so p-fenilendiamin, toluen-2,5-diamin in njegov sulfat. Možna je navzkrižna reaktivnost p-fenilendiamina s para- aminobenzojevo kislino, sulfonamidi, sulfonilureo, dapsonom, azobarvili, benzokainom, prokainom in začasnim tetoviranjem s črno kano. Alergijski kontaktni dermatitis uvrščamo v pozni tip preobčutljivosti po Coombsu in Gellu. Kožne spremembe se pojavijo značilno na rokah po predhodni senzibilizaciji z vzročnim alergenom. Ob delovni anamnezi in klinični sliki je temeljni diagnostični postopek za potrditev diagnoze in opredelitev vzročnih alergenov epikutano testiranje. Preventiva je najbolj enostaven in učinkovit ukrep, s katerim lahko preprečimo alergijski kontaktni dermatitis pri frizerjih. S preventivnimi ukrepi začenjamo že v fazi poklicnega usmerjanja za ta poklic. Pomembna je zdravstvena vzgoja v času šolanja in splošni varovalni ukrepi tehničnega varstva pri delu, s katerimi lahko zmanjšamo senzibilizacijo na alergene v frizerstvu. Tu posebej poudarjamo pravilno uporabo varovalnih rokavic. Zakonodaja mora z omejevanjem koncentracij alergenih snovi v barvah za lase slediti izsledkom o možnih nevarnostih v znanstvenih raziskavah.
Databáze: OpenAIRE