Water-based electrolyte gel for dye-sensitized solar cells and manufacturing methods

Autor: Vincenza Di Palma, Angela Cimmino, Rossana Scaldaferri, Antonella De Maria, Valeria Casuscelli, CARFAGNA, COSIMO
Přispěvatelé: Vincenza Di, Palma, Angela, Cimmino, Rossana, Scaldaferri, Carfagna, Cosimo, Antonella De, Maria, Valeria, Casuscelli
Rok vydání: 2006
Popis: A dye-sensitized solar cell is provided having an organic compound to absorb solar radiation and donate electrons, a semiconductor to transport electrons, and a hole transporting material formed of a water-based electrolyte gel that includes a polymeric compound and a electrolyte solution. Preparation of the water based gel includes gelling a hydrophilic polymer that is present at least in a concentration, depending on molecular weight and/or degree of hydrolyses and/or degree of polymerization, sufficient to form the gel from the aqueous solution.
Databáze: OpenAIRE