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Zarazna žutica ili virusni hepatitis bolest je poznata od davnine, no tek posljednjih tridesetak godina otkriveno niz bitnih pojedinosti o virusima hepatitisa, uzročnicima ove bolesti. Svatko može biti izložen i zaražen od virusnog hepatitisa - procjenjuje se oko 400 milijuna diljem svijeta. Svake godine od posljedica obolijevanja hepatitisima umre 1,4 milijuna ljudi. S obzirom na to da infekcija često izaziva vrlo blage ili opće nema simptoma procjenjuje se da 95% osoba s virusnim hepatitisom u svijetu niti ne zna da živi s bolešću te da je zaraženo. Virusni hepatitisi se razlikuju od načina prijenosa, oštećenje jetre i samo učinak na stanje organizma. Rasprostranjen je diljem svijeta te se razlikuje u postotku zaraženih osoba, dok hepatitis A,B,C čine 95% slučajeva. Hepatitis A i E prenose se oralnim putem, kontaminiranom hranom te uzrokuju akutnu, prolaznu bolest, dok ostali mogu uzrokovati kroničnu bolest jetre. Bitno je skrenuti pažnju na virusne hepatitise B i C, koji se prenose krvnim putem i tjelesnim tekućinama. 28.-og srpnja obilježava se svjetski dan hepatitisa, s ciljem podizanjem svjesnosti o prevenciji, ranom otkrivanju i adekvatnom liječenju. Američki znanstvenik Barucha S. Blumberg zaslužan je za otkrivanje virusa hepatitisa B, i razvoj cjepiva za što je primio i Nobelovu nagradu 1976.godine. U ovom radu cilj je bio vidjeti mišljenja i iskustva osoba oboljelih od hepatitisa o stavu društva na njihovu bolest; osjećaju li stigmatizaciju u svakodnevnom životu, smatraju li da opća populacija ima dovoljno znanja o prijenosu hepatitisa, postoji li potreba za edukacijom i edukativnim programima. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 11 ispitanika koji su oboljeli ili izliječeni od hepatitisa. Kroz ovaj rad prikazani su stavovi i mišljenja bivših ovisnika intravenskih droga o stigmatizaciji s kojom se svakodnevno susreću. Analizom prikupljenih podataka utvrđena je prisutnost subjektivnog osjećaja stigmatizacije od strane okoline i zdravstvenog sustava. Nadalje, možemo zaključiti kako je spomenuti osjećaj prisutniji kod žena naspram muškarca, osobito u pogledu odnosa sa stručnim zdravstvenim osobljem. Prikupljeni podaci ukazuju na nedostatak informacija te posljedični razvoj straha koji dovode do dugogodišnjeg pogrešnog tretiranja ispitanika u medicinskim ustanovama. Diseases like inflammation of the liver or viral hepatitis have been well known since ancient times, but only in the last thirty years have a number of important details about hepatitis viruses and its causes been uncovered. Anyone can be exposed to and infected with viral hepatitis and an estimated 400 million people worldwide are infected. Every year, 1.4 million people die as a result of hepatitis. Since the infection often causes very mild or no symptoms at all, it’s estimated that 95% of people with viral hepatitis are entirely unaware that they are living with the disease. Forms of viral hepatitis differ depending on transmission, damage to the liver and damage to the body overall. Around the world, the percentage of infected people differs, hepatitis types A, B and C make up 95% of cases. Hepatitis A and E are transmitted orally, through contaminated food, and cause an acute, transient disease, while the other types can cause chronic liver disease. We must also acknowledge the how hepatitis B and C are transmitted through blood and body fluids. World Hepatitis Day is held on July 28th, with the aim of raising awareness about prevention, early detection and adequate treatment. The American scientist Barucha S. Blumberg is responsible for the discovery of hepatitis B and the development of the vaccine, for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1976. The goal of this study was to understand the opinions and experiences of people suffering from hepatitis, in their everyday lives, with a focus on society's attitude towards their disease; stigmaization, education of general population about hepatitis transmission and the need for educational programs. This study looks at 11 participants who are infected with or recovered from hepatitis. This study looks to present the views and opinions of former intravenous drug addicts about the stigmatization they encounter on a daily basis. The results of this research will ultimately show that there is an overwhelming presence of stigmatization in the health industry and broader society. Furthermore, it will also show that the mentioned feeling is more present in women compared to men, especially in relation to the relationship with health professionals. Finally, the findings of this study will show that there is a lack of education and information available to the general public, causing an tremendous fear, leading to mistreatment of hepatitis patients in medical institutions. |