The proto-slavic '*dĭl’gostĭ' and the hittite 'dalugašti' : a study in derivation

Autor: Jasińska, Katarzyna, Piwowarczyk, Dariusz
Jazyk: polština
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: The Proto-Slavic *dьl’gostь displays a striking similarity to a parallel formation of Hittite dalugašti. Both words have the same meaning: ‘length’, and they are derived with the use of the suffix which can be reconstructed as *-ostĭ. This article investigates whether the suffix of this form arose in Hittite and in Slavic languages independently or whether it might be the result of a parallel derivation process which had its roots in the proto-language. According to the authors, it is a part of a larger derivational scheme known as the “Caland system.”
Databáze: OpenAIRE