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Namen diplomskega dela je obravnava avtorjeve pravice poseganja v zaključeno delo na primeru avtorice J. K. Rowling in njenega poseganja v kanon sage Harry Potter, pri katerem bom v ospredje postavil njeno retroaktivno progresivnost, s katero želi zaključene romane približati sodobnemu pogledu na rasno in spolno reprezentacijo v umetnosti. Pri obravnavi problema se bom opiral na esej »Smrt avtorja«, Rolanda Barthesa, ki temelji na predpostavki, da je avtorjevo življenje ter njegov namen pisanja dela pri obravnavi le-tega irelevanten in da avtor ob zaključku dela izgubi lastništvo nad njim, s tem pa naj interpretacija besedila izhaja iz teksta samega, brez ozira na avtorjevo namero pri pisanju le-tega. Razglabljal bom o problemih teorije smrti avtorja v digitalni dobi v povezavi z osebno znamko sodobnih avtorjev. Opisal bom avtoričin spreminjajoč odnos do fan fikcije. Na koncu bom podal še primere retroaktivnega poseganja v dela in svet Harryja Potterja ter recepcijo le-teh. The undergraduate thesis discusses the author's right to interfere in the completed work, based on the author J. K. Rowling and her intervention in the canon of the Harry Potter saga. I will focus on her retroactive progressiveness, with which she attempts to bring the novels closer to the contemporary view of racial and sexual representation in literature. In dealing with the problem, I will rely on the essay "Death of the Author" by Roland Barthes, which is based on the assumption that the author's life and their purpose for writing a body of work is irrelevant, that the author loses ownership of it after its completion and that the interpretation of the text derives from the text itself, regardless of the author's intent when writing it. I will point out the problems with the death of the author in the digital age in relation to the personal brand of contemporary authors and describe Rowling's changing attitude towards fan fiction. Finally, I will give examples of retroactive interference in the works and world of Harry Potter and the reception they received. |