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Peticija je v prispevku opredeljena po Martinovem sistemsko-funkcijskem modelu besedilne vrste kot vrsta pozivne ekspozicije. Od drugih vrst pozivne ekspozicije se razlikuje po dveh vrstah naslovnika, z vidika besedilnovrstne strukturiranosti pa po strukturnih enotah poziv k javnemu strinjanju s tezo in podpora podpisnikov in podpisnic. V okviru neoliberalnega sistema, ki ga reprezentirajo vladne in mednarodne institucije kot primarni naslovniki, se peticija depolitizira, njen učinek pa se usmerja vpomiritev in posledično deaktivizacijo podpisnikov in podpisnic. Following Martins systemic functional model of genre, the paper defines the petition as a type of hortatory exposition. The petition differs from other types of hortatory exposition in terms of two types of addressee in terms of genre structure it differs with respect to the structural units appeal for public agreement with the thesis and the support of the signatories. In a neoliberal system represented by governmental and international institutions as primary addressees, the petition becomes depoliticised and its effect directed into pacification and consequently deactivation of the signatories. |