Značilnosti in pomen kakovostne otroške oddaje: Pogled staršev

Autor: Seršen, Sara
Přispěvatelé: Fekonja, Urška
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Zasloni postajajo nepogrešljiv del življenja otrok, ki v stik z njimi stopajo pri vedno nižji starosti. Otroci začnejo zaslone praviloma spoznavati znotraj družine in preko različnih otroških oddaj. V raziskavi so nas tako zanimale gledalne navade malčkov in otrok v zgodnjem otroštvu ter pogled njihovih staršev o pomenu kakovostne otroške oddaje za otrokov razvoj in učenje. V vzorec je bilo vključenih 239 staršev malčkov in otrok v zgodnjem otroštvu, starih od 22 do 52 let (M = 34,90, SD = 5,24), ki so izpolnili vprašalnike o gledalnih navadah otroka kriterijih, ki po njihovem mnenju opredeljujejo kakovostno otroško oddajo in o načinih starševskega posredovanja pri gledanju otroških oddaj. Dodatno so izpolnili še vprašanja o demografskih značilnostih in odgovorili na pet odprtih vprašanj o oddajah, ki jih njihov otroka gleda, in ki bi mu jih priporočili, ter o njihovem mnenju glede možnih negativnih in pozitivnih vplivih oddaj na otroka. Rezultati so pokazali, da slovenski malčki in otroci v zgodnjem otroštvu v povprečju otroške oddaje gledajo približno eno uro na dan in so zaslonom izpostavljeni že pred 2. letom starosti. Pri usmerjanju otroka ob gledanju otroških oddaj starši najpogosteje uporabljajo strategije omejevanja, večina staršev pa ni vedno prisotnih, ko otrok gleda otroške oddaje. Za kakovostno otroško oddajo je staršem najbolj pomembno, da je zabavna, sproščujoča, razumljiva, vključuje otroke kot glavne junake in aktivnosti, ki jih lahko otroci sami izkusijo. Pri otroških oddajah starše najbolj skrbijo nasilne vsebine in neprimerno vedenje junakov, po drugi strani pa so kot pozitivne učinke gledanja otroških oddaj najpogosteje izpostavili učenje otroka, spodbujanje domišljije in radovednosti. Povzamemo lahko, da so se pokazali tako pozitivni kot negativni vidiki gledalnih navad slovenskih malčkov in otrok ter da je pomembno še naprej skrbeti za ozaveščanje in opolnomočenje staršev o razvoju zdravih gledalnih navad. Screens are becoming an important part of children's lives, and children have been starting to use them more and more early in their lives. Generally, children start to get to know screens within their family circle and through various children's shows. In our research, we were interested in the viewing habits of toddlers and children in early childhood, and in the perspective of their parents on the importance of quality children's shows for their child’s development and learning. Our sample included 239 parents of toddlers and children in early childhood aged from 22 to 52 years (M = 34.90, SD = 5.24), who completed questionnaires about their child's viewing habits, their criteria for quality children's shows, and the way they regulate their child’s viewing of children’s shows. In addition, parents answered questions about demographic characteristics and answered five open-ended questions about the shows which their child watches and which they would recommend to the child they also answered questions about their views on the possible negative and positive impact of shows on children. The results showed that on average Slovenian toddlers and children in early childhood watch children's shows for approximately one hour a day, and they are exposed to screens before the age of two. When guiding their child through the process of watching children's shows, parents most often use restrictive mediation, and most parents are not always present when their child watches these shows. Parents believe that a quality children's show should primarily be fun, relaxing and understandable, it should include children as the main characters and activities that children can experience for themselves. Parents are most concerned about violent content of children’s shows and inappropriate behaviour of the show’s characters on the other hand, they most often point out their child's learning and stimulation of their child’s imagination and curiosity as the positive effects of watching children's shows. We can summarize that both positive and negative aspects of Slovenian toddler's and children's viewing habits have been shown, and that it is important to continue to take care of empowering parents and raising their awareness about the development of healthy viewing habits.
Databáze: OpenAIRE