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Vedno večja integracija razpršenih obnovljivih virov energije, hitre spremembe pretokov energije po omrežju in pomanjkanje fleksibilnih virov energije za napetostno regulacijo v elektroenergetskih omrežjih vedno pogosteje privede do napetostno nedopustnih stanj. Z namenom izboljšanja regulacije napetosti in stabilnosti omrežja so operaterji elektroenergetskega omrežja Slovenije in Hrvaške združili moči v projektu SINCRO.GRID, v okviru katerega so med drugim v razdelilni transformatorski postaji Beričevo zgradili statični kompenzator (STATCOM). V diplomski nalogi analiziramo strukturo, lastnosti in postopek izvedbe projekta ter obratovanje omenjene naprave. Temelj za diplomsko delo predstavlja moje praktično usposabljanje pri podjetju Kolektor Igin d. o. o., v okviru katerega sem se spoznal z objektom, omogočen pa mi je bil tudi dostop do projektne dokumentacije in s tem do detajlov glede lastnosti in zgradbe naprave. Increasing integration of dispersed, renewable energy sources, fast changing energy flows and lack of flexibility resources for voltage regulation in the power grid, lead to unacceptable voltage states. With the aim of improving voltage regulation and grid stability, the grid operators of Slovenija and Croatia started a joint project SINCRO.GRID. Within the scope of the project they built a static synchronous compensator or STATCOM in the substation Beričevo. In this thesis the composition and operation of the STATCOM is described, as well as the course of the project, from the planning phase to building and commissioning. While undergoing traineeship at Kolektor Igin d. o. o., I had the opportunity of visiting the newly built STATCOM. The company also supplied me with information and project documentation which is the basis of this thesis. |