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V diplomskem delu smo prikazali možnost racionalizacije proizvodnega procesa v strojnem oddelku podjetja Metalika d.o.o. Podjetje se ukvarja s proizvodnjo pohištva za navtični sektor. Razmere na trgu in rastoče cene materialov silijo podjetje in konkurenco v nenehno racionalizacijo proizvodnega procesa. Teoretično osnovo dela predstavljajo principi in metode vitke proizvodnje in Toyotinega načina organizacije dela. Diplomsko delo smo začeli z analizo trenutnega stanja procesa in posameznih delovnih mest. Pri tem smo se osredotočili predvsem na iskanje izgub, ki se pojavljajo pri izvajanju posameznih aktivnosti. Ugotovili smo, da bi na določenih delovnih mestih čas lahko zmanjšali za 45 do 79 %. Z analizo toka materiala in informacij smo ugotovili, da je povprečen pretočni čas materiala skozi oddelek skoraj 13 dni. Pri tem se med procesi pojavljajo medfazne zaloge, ki zadostujejo za 4 do 8 izmen dela na naslednjem procesu. V zaključku smo predstavili rešitev, ki omogoča zmanjšanje medfaznih zalog in pretočni čas materiala skozi oddelek. Da bi bila uvedba novega stanja mogoča, smo predlagali izboljšave za posamezna delovna mesta in za celoten proizvodni proces. Pri tem smo predlagali tudi novo razmestitev strojev v proizvodnji, ki bi jo bilo mogoče implementirati z majhnimi stroški in v kratkem času. The thesis presents the possibility of rationalizing the company, Metalika d.o.o’s production process in the machining department. The company produces furniture for the marine sector. The current market situation and rising material prices are forcing companies to try and continuously rationalize their production processes. The theoretical basis principles and methods of lean production and Toyota way were used in this analysis. The thesis begins with a current state analysis of the whole production process and separate workplaces. It focuses on identifying areas of waste that can be found in work activities. In some workspaces, production time can be reduced by 45% to 79 %. Value stream analysis showed that the current lead time through the department was almost 13 days, and inventory between some processes was large enough to support the following processes for the next 4 to 8 shifts. In the conclusion, a solution that enables lead time through the department to be shortened is presented. To make implementation of the future state possible, improvements for separate workspaces, as well as the whole production process is proposed. At this stage, a new department layout that can be implemented with little cost and time investment is also proposed. |