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V kmetijstvu je danes izredno pomembno, da živali priraščajo hitro, so zdrave ter pri tem porabijo karseda malo krme. Zato se iščejo alternative, kjer bi dosegli dobre parametre rasti in razvoja živali. Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali tehnologija vpihovanja nanomehurčkov v pitno vodo vpliva na rast in razvoj živali. S tega področja je bilo opravljenih nekaj raziskav, ki so dokazale pozitiven učinek nanomehurčkov na rast, razvoj in izkoriščanje krme. Mi smo za namene poskusa uporabili za modelni organizem laboratorijske miši, saj imajo hiter generacijski interval in so enostavne za rokovanje. Poskus smo izvedli s 36 laboratorijskimi mišmi, ki so bile ločene po spolu, liniji (debela/vitka) ter po vrsti tretmaja. Ena skupina miši je zauživala vodo z vpihanimi nanomehurčki, druga skupina pa navadno vodo (iz vodovoda). Poskus smo začeli pri miškah, starih 3 tedne in ga končali pri starosti 8 tednov. Miši smo tedensko tehtali, merili količino zaužite krme, izračunali izkoriščanje zaužite krme ter menjavali vodo dnevno. Prav tako smo pri 7. tednu iz nastila v kletkah zbrali blato, da smo lahko izračunali prebavljivost surovih beljakovin in surovih maščob. Ugotovili smo, da v večini ne moremo potrditi pozitivnega učinka nanomehurčkov na rast in razvoj ter izkoriščanje krme pri laboratorijskih miših. Glede na dejstvo, da je bila povprečno poraba krme pri miših iz skupine z nanomehurčki manjša ter da so se povprečni prirasti pri miših iz skupine z nanomehurčki povečevali proti koncu poskusa, je možno, da bi ob daljšem poskusu ali uporabi več živali dobili boljše rezultate. In agriculture today it is extremely important that animals grow quickly, are healthy, and consume little feed. Therefore, alternatives are sought to achieve good parameters for the growth and development of animals. The aim of B. Sc. Thesis was to determine whether the technology of injecting nanobubbles into drinking water affects the growth and development of animals. Some researchers have already been carried out in this field. The positive effect of nanobubbles on the growth, development, and utilization of feed was demonstrated. For the experiment, we used laboratory mice as model organisms because they have a fast generation interval and are easy to handle. We experimented with 36 laboratory mice that were separated by sex, line (fat/lean), and type of treatment. One group of mice received water infused with nanobubbles, and the other group received normal water (from the tap). We started the experiment in mice, at 3 weeks of age and ended it at 8 weeks of age. We weighed the mice weekly, measured the amount of feed consumed, calculated the efficiency of the feed consumed, and changed the water daily. We also collected feces from the bedding in the cages at week 7 to calculate the digestibility of crude protein and crude fat. We found that in most cases, we could not confirm the positive effect of nanobubbles on growth and development as well as feed conversion in laboratory mice. Since the average feed consumption of mice in the nanobubble group was lower and the average gains of mice in the nanobubble group increased toward the end of the experiment, a longer experiment or the use of more animals might provide better results. |