Filtracija rentgenskega snopa

Autor: Gorenjc, Špela
Přispěvatelé: Medič, Mojca
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Uvod: Filtracija je proces oblikovanja jakosti izhodnega snopa rentgenskih fotonov pri kateri je namen, da se poveča delež fotonov, ki so uporabni za nastanek rentgenske slike in zmanjša delež fotonov, ki povečujejo dozo na pacienta. V radiologiji je snop filtriran na dveh nivojih in sicer z lastno in dodatno filtracijo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil raziskati namen uporabe filtracije in različnih filtrov ter njihov vpliv na rentgenske žarke. Metode dela: Za pisanje diplomskega dela smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela s sistematičnim pregledom literature. Navedene članke smo iskali v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku v različnih podatkovnih bazah v časovnem obdobju od novembra 2021 do marca 2022. Rezultati: Predstavili smo ugotovitve člankov, ki smo jih uporabili pri sistematičnem pregledu literature. Poudarek je bil na vrstah filtracije in njen vpliv na rentgenske žarke ter na dozno obremenitev pacienta, kot tudi vpliv na kakovost slike. Kot zanimivost omenimo grafit kot možen filter rentgenskih žarkov. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da dosledna uporaba filtracije zniža pacientovo dozo brez, da znatno poslabša kakovost slike, zato je uporaba filtracije v radiologiji pomembna. Iz literature smo razbrali, da je najboljša filtracija kombinacija obeh filtrov, aluminija in bakra. Introduction: Filtration is a process of shaping the strength of the output beam of X-rays in which the purpose is to increase the proportion of photons that are useful fot the formation of X-ray images and reduce the proportion of photons that increase the patients dose. In radiology the beam is filtered on two levels, with its own and with additional filtration. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis was to investigate the use of filtration and various filters and their impact on X-rays. Methods: A descriptive method of work with a systematic review of the literature was used to write the diploma thesis. We searched for the mentioned articles in Slovenian and English language on various databases in the period from November 2021 to March 2022. Results: We presented the findings of the articles we used in a systematic review of the literature. The emphasis was on the types of filtration and its impact on X-rays and on the dose for the patient, as well as the impact on image quality. As a curiosity we mention a posibility of graphite being a possible X-ray beam filter. Discussion and conclusion: We have found out that consistent use of filtration lowers the patient’s dose without significantly impairing image quality, so the use of filtration in radiology is important. We have learned from the literature that the best filtration is a combination of both filters, aluminum and copper.
Databáze: OpenAIRE