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Zaključna seminarska naloga skuša osvetliti in analizirati portreta Volbenka Danijela barona Erberga (Ljubljana, 27. avgust 1714 – Dol pri Ljubljani, 7. avgust 1783) in Marije Ane baronice Erberg, rojene Neuhaus (Gorica, 27. avgust 1744 – Dol pri Ljubljani, 27. marec 1774), ki ju je v oljni tehniki za graščino v Dolu pri Ljubljani (nem. Lustthal) v šestdesetih letih 18. stoletja naslikal Fortunat Bergant (Mekinje pri Kamniku, 6. september 1721 – Ljubljana, 31. marec 1769). Po odkritju na italijanskem umetnostnem trgu je podobi moža in žene odkupila Narodna galerija, kjer sta hranjena do današnjih dni. Pripadnika baronske rodbine Erberg sta kot sedeči dokolenski figuri, predstavljeni v za 18. stoletje značilnem in pogostem reprezentativnem aristokratskem portretu. Baročni slikar Fortunat Bergant, ki je v slogovno govorico vpletel likovne vzorce italijanskega prostora, je v obdelavi portretirancev in spremljajočih predmetov, prostora, kompozicije, barve in osvetlitve portreta zakoncev Erberg prikazal kot izredno umetniško celoto. The final seminar paper aims to illuminate and analyze the portraits of Wolf Daniel, the Baron Erberg (Ljubljana, August 27, 1714 – Dol pri Ljubljani, August 7, 1783) and Maria Anna, the Baroness Erberg, née Neuhaus (Gorizia, August 27, 1744 – Dol pri Ljubljani, March 27, 1774), painted in the oil technique by Fortunat Bergant (Mekinje pri Kamniku, September 6, 1721 – Ljubljana, March 31, 1769) for the manor in Dol pri Ljubljani (German Lustthal) in the 1760s. After the portraits were discovered on the Italian art market, the images of husband and wife were bought by the National Gallery, where they are kept to this day. The two members of the Baron family Erberg are painted as sitting knee-length figures, presented in a typical and frequent 18th-century representative aristocratic portrait. Through his treatment of the portrayed persons, surrounding objects, space, composition, colour and lighting in the Erberg’s portraits, the Baroque painter Fortunat Bergant, who incorporated Italian art patterns into his stylistic expression, provided a remarkable and wholesome artistic product |