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V sklopu zaključne naloge želimo zasnovati in izdelati turbinski sklop didaktičnega modela Rankinovega krožnega procesa, pri čemer smo omejeni z velikostjo modela in ceno izdelave. Zasnovo začnemo z pregledom literature in analizo problema, nadaljujemo pa z izbiro komponent, katere uporabimo v sami izdelavi modela. Da zagotovimo čim nižjo ceno izdelave je velik del modela sestavljen iz vsakodnevnih predmetov. Samo pri izdelavi gonilnika in šobe, ki nista komercialno dobavljiva, se poslužimo izdelave s pomočjo 3D tiska oz. struženja. Sam didaktični model na koncu izdelamo in njegovo delovanje uspešno preizkusimo. As part of this written assigment we want to design and build the turbine complex of a didactic model of a Rankine cycle, where we are limited by the size of the model and the cost of production. We begin the design with an overview of found literature and analysis of the problem, after wich we begin with selection of components, that are to be used in the model itself. To ensure the lowest production cost, a large part of the model is built from everyday items. Only when producing the nozzle and the rotor, which are not commercially available, do we use 3D printing and turning. At the end we build the didactic model and successfully test its operation. |