Transporte de sólidos em suspensão e qualidade da água em Zona Estuarina Amazônica

Autor: LOPES, Paula Patrícia Pinheiro
Přispěvatelé: CUNHA, Alan Cavalcanti da, TORRES, Admilson Moreira
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 1 CD-ROM
Repositório Institucional da Universidade Federal do Amapá (UNIFAP)
Universidade Federal do Amapá (UNIFAP)
Popis: The studies on hydrosedimentological flows in coastal areas are relevant for the maintenance of ecosystem services, development, land use and water resources. An intense erosive process has caused significant hydrological, sedimentometric and water quality changes in the Lower Araguari River and along a stretch of the coast of Amapá, extreme north of Brazil. The main hypothesis of these changes is channel capture of the Araguari river basin by the Amazon River delta, through natural and artificial channels expanding in both directions, with emphasis on the Igarapé Novo - Gurijuba and Urucurituba Channels. The objective of this research was to evaluate the hydrodynamics, solid discharge (QSS) and water quality of channels that connect these two basins, considering aspects of seasonality and semidiurnal tides. Data were collected in two seasonal periods and six sections (Araguari, Igarapé Novo - Gurijuba and Urucurituba). The quantification methods of the parameters were: a) flow measurement with acoustic Doppler profilers (ADCP); b) water sampling in situ for physicochemical analysis and sediment (suspended solids - SS) and c) solids transport calculation (Qss). The results indicated a remarkable seasonal variability and during tidal cycles for most of the water quality parameters (p
Databáze: OpenAIRE