Межполушарные фазовые взаимодействия между высокоИ низкочастотными ритмами ЭЭГ при восприятии коротких интервалов времени

Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Вестник Томского государственного университета. Биология.
ISSN: 2311-2077
Popis: У 7 юношей и 14 девушек в возрасте от 18 до 26 лет исследовали межполушарные фазовые взаимодействия между высокои низкочастотными ритмами ЭЭГ. Проведенные исследования показали, что на изучаемые фазовые взаимодействия существенное влияние оказывают пол испытуемого, вид и этап выполняемой деятельности. Установлено, что чаще всего тесные фазовые связи наблюдаются между гамма-ритмом частотой от 30 до 40 Гц и альфа-, бетаи тетаактивностью мозга. Обнаружены статистически значимые корреляции между уровнем исследуемых фазовых взаимодействий и показателями интеллекта, экстраверсии, нейротизма и латеральной организации мозга. Оказалось, что характер обнаруженных корреляций отличается у юношей и девушек, зависит от вида и этапа выполняемой деятельности. Предполагается, что исследуемые фазовые взаимодействия могут быть результатом синаптического облегчения, а также дистантных полевых взаимодействий между нейронами.
Interhemispheric phase interaction between highand low-frequency rhythms of EEG was investigated in 7 males and 14 females aged from 18 to 26 years old. During preview observation with H. Eysenk's tests, verbal and non-verbal intellect, extraversionintroversion and neuroticism level was determined. Interhemispheric asymmetry was investigated with using standard tests set for identification dominant hand and speech-hemisphere. Two modes of observations (reproduction and admeasuring of 200 ms and 800 ms time intervals with and without feedback) were provided. In one mode, time intervals were presented as non-verbal stimuli (light square with 2 cm side which was presented in the center of monitor screen). In another set, digitals stimuli (in admeasuring intervals) were used. As a feedback signal, relative reproduction of admeasuring error in percentage of the time interval was used. EEG was recorded in sides: Cz, Fz, Pz, F3, F4, C3, C4, P3, P4, T3, T4, T5, T6, O1, O2 under «10-20%» system with 24-canals encephalographanalyzer. Integrated reference electrode was installed on subject's earlaps of left and right ears; earthing electrode was installed on the wrist of the right hand. Phase interaction between EEG gamma-frequency and low-frequency bands were estimated with bispectral wavelet analysis and bicoherent function. As integral characteristics of phase interaction level between EEG highand low-rhythms (0,5-30 Hz) were used half-sum of this function in the corresponding frequency band. The correlations between these parameters were estimated with Spearmen's coefficient correlation. To determine the impact of different factors ("gender", "activity type", "activity stage" etc.) on phase interaction was used repeated measures analysis. This investigations showed that gender, activity type and activity stage have a significant impact on the phase interaction. It is found that close phase interconnections between 30-40 Hz gamma-frequency and alpha-, beta-, and tethabrain activity were the most frequent. Statistically significant correlations between phase interaction level and intelligence quotient, extraversion, neuroticism and interhemispheric asymmetry were found. The result of this research showed that the kind of correlations is completely different from males and females and depends on the activity type and activity stage. It is proposed that the investigated phase interaction could be the results of synaptic potentiation as well as distant field interneuronal interactions.
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