Field tests of a NaI(TI)-based vehicle portal monitor at border crossings

Autor: Stromswold, D. C., Darkoch, J. W., Ely, J. H., Hansen, R. R., Kouzes, R. T., Milbrath, B. D., Runkle, R. C., Sliger, W. A., Smart, J. E., Stephens, D. L., Todd, L. C., Woodring, M. L.
Rok vydání: 2004
Popis: Radiation portal monitors are commonly used at international border crossings to detect illicit transport of radioactive material. Most monitors use plastic scintillators to detect gamma rays, but next-generation monitors may contain NaI(Tl). In order to directly compare the performance of the two types of detectors, a prototype NaI(Tl) monitor was tested at two international border crossings adjacent to a comparable plastic scintillator monitor. The NaI(Tl) monitor housed four large detectors, each 10.2 cm × 10.2 cm × 41 cm. The empirical data set from the two field tests contains approximately 3800 passages with known cargo loads for each vehicle. For a small subset of the vehicles, high purity germanium detector spectra were also collected. During the survey period several vehicles containing commercial products with naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) passed through the monitor. Typical NORM cargo included pottery, large granite slabs, rock-based floor tiles, construction stone blocks, abrasive material, and fertilizer. Non-NORM sources included a large source of 60Co (200,000 GBq) and a shipment of uranium oxide, both items being legally transported. The information obtained during the tests provides a good empirical data set to compare the effectiveness of NaI(Tl) and plastic-scintillator portal monitors. The capability to be sensitive to illicit materials, but not alarm on NORM, is a key figure of merit for portal monitors.
Databáze: OpenAIRE