Thyroid gland disorder and female reproductive dysfuntion

Autor: Melicharová, Lucie
Přispěvatelé: Madar, Jindřich
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2007
Popis: My thesis I called Thyroid disease and reproductive disorders women. It is a subject standing at the interface between gynecology, immunology and endocrinology. Reproductive interested me during the compulsory optional courses: Immunology female reproduction and reproductive immunology. His seminary work I was writing to topic antibodies against sperm. Now I have decided to address the topic of the thyroid gland. A reason - in the future I like to pay in gynecology and obstetrics, with which the topic is very closely related. In most developed countries, it is still a current issue declining birth rate. One reasons for the shift of family planning in higher age categories, then it is lower number of children in families, but also is a big contributor of reduced reproductive ability pairs. According to statistics of infertility in economically developed countries is increasing and at present currently affects 10-15% of couples, ie every 7 to 10 pair (Ventruba, 2001). The causes of infertility is involved in 30-35% only man and woman only 35-40%. A combination of factors of both partners is present in 25% of infertile couples, and it is necessary to note that in both men and women can occur more causes simultaneously. Only 5% of couples to seek medical help to detect apparent cause sterility (Ventruba, 2001)....
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