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Programska oprema (ang. Software) je zbirka računalniških programov, ki omogočajo delovanje računalnika kot celoto. Predstavlja ključno sredstvo za izvajanje poslovnih procesov, zato je razvoj programske opreme nepogrešljiv element za uspešno poslovanje. V diplomskem delu smo opredelili pojem življenjskega cikla programske opreme, predstavili faze njenega razvoja ter podali opis modelov razvoja. Nato je sledila analitična primerjava posameznih modelov razvoja programske opreme (prednosti, slabosti oz. pomanjkljivosti) in razlogi za najprimernejšo uporabo teh. Na podlagi anketiranja študentov smo preučili njihovo poznavanje ter ustreznost uporabe agilnega modela pri razvoju programske opreme v okviru projektnega dela. Software is a collection of computer programs that enable the computer to function as a whole. It is a key element for the implementation of business processes as well as for the prospects of an individual business. The bachelor thesis defines the term system life cycle and it examines the cycle’s development stages. Furthermore, it includes a description of software model development, followed by an analytical comparison of individual development models (advantages, disadvantages or deficiencies) and justifications for the model’s appropriateness. The survey among students enabled the investigation of their familiarity with the use of agile development |