Autor: Razgor, Tanja
Přispěvatelé: Kranjc, Vesna
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Ker je področje gradbeništva zelo obsežno in kompleksno sem se odločila analizirati medsebojno skladnost gradbenih predpisov. pri tem sem kot osnovo uporabila Obligacijski zakonik in Posebne gradbene uzance, ki jih ni sprejel zakonodajalec, ampak so bile sprejete s strani strokovnega združenja, ki je bilo leta 1977 za to pristojno. Za cilj diplomskega dela sem si postavila raziskati katere institute sploh urejajo Posebne gradbene uzance, ali so določbe v večini primerov skladne z zakonskimi pravili Obligacijskega zakonika in ali na določenih mestih pride tudi do nasprotij. Največkrat uzančna pravila pojasnjujejo in dajejo dodatno razlago gradbenih pravil, saj so osredotočene na ožje točno določeno področje. Vendar pa sem opazila tudi nekaj odstopanj, kar je verjetno posledica tega, da so bile uzance sprejete pred zakonom in bi jih bilo potrebno posodobiti ter prilagoditi, saj jih zdaj ni možno upoštevati v celoti. Since the area of construction is wide and complex, I decided to analyze the compliance of the building regulations. As a basis I used the Code of Obligations and the Construction usages, which were not adopted by legislator, but by the professional association that was competent in 1977. The aim of this degree was to research which institutes are regulated by Construction usages, whether the provisions are mostly consistent with the law of the Code of Obligations and if at certain places contradiction can appear. Most rules contained in the Construction usages clarify and provide further explanation of the rules of construction because they are focused on a specific subject area. However, I noticed some deviations, which are possibly the result of the fact that usages were adopted before the law and they should be updated and adjusted, as they now can not be fully taken into consideration.
Databáze: OpenAIRE