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V magistrskem delu se osredotočamo na uradno pisno prošnjo za zaposlitev, ki v današnji družbi postaja vedno pomembnejše besedilo. Zaradi velike brezposelnosti in vedno večjega povpraševanja po delu, je izredno uporabno znanje o pisanju prošnje za zaposlitev oz. prijave na razpisano delovno mesto. Gre za uradni pozivni dopis, ki predstavlja prvi stik z bodočim delodajalcem in je marsikdaj ključnega pomena pri izbiri ustreznega kandidata. Z magistrskim delom želimo poudariti pomen prošnje oz. prijave kot vrste besedila. Najprej smo preko primarnih in sekundarnih virov raziskali teorijo o besedilih, o sporazumevanju in o tvorjenju uradne pisne prošnje. Temu je sledila analiza 50 izbranih prošenj oz. prijav na delovno mesto. Podrobneje smo raziskali komunikacijski položaj, zunanjo zgradbo, kriterije besedilnosti in tvorčevo upoštevanje pravopisnih pravil. Prav tako nas je zanimala primerjava med prošnjami, ki jih pišejo iskalci zaposlitve z doseženo določeno izobrazbeno stopnjo, in devetošolci, ki so še v izobraževalnem procesu. V zaključku smo povzeli temeljne ugotovitve, do katerih smo prišli na podlagi opravljene analize besedil, in potrdili zastavljene hipoteze. Ugotovili smo, da v obravnavnih besedilih prevladuje utemeljevalni slogovni postopek, pri čemer večji del dopisa predstavlja argumentativno razvijanje teme, kjer tvorec s pomočjo argumentov oblikuje temo besedila. V izreku prošnje, to je v jedrnih odstavkih, smo opazili, da se pojavljajo izrazi, ki uresničujejo namen prošnje (predstavitev tvorca, razpisano delo/delovno mesto, izkušnje in izobrazba). Pri pravopisnih napakah smo zasledili, da tvorcem največ težav povzročajo raba ločil, pisanje skupaj in narazen ter raba velike in male začetnice. Master's thesis focuses on a formal written application for employment, a type of text that is becoming increasingly more important in today's society. Due to the high unemployment rate and an increasing demand for work, the skills used in writing applications for employment, or applying for a job, are highly significant. A formal written application is a formal letter addressed at author’s future potential employer. It presents the first contact with them and is as such a key factor for selecting an appropriate candidate. With this master's thesis we would like to emphasise the importance of an application as a type of text. We first researched the text theory, communication and preparation of an official written application through primary and secondary sources. This was followed by analysis of 50 selected job applications. We researched the position of communication, external structure, textuality criteria and adherence to the rules of grammar. We were also interested in comparing different applications of job seekers with particular education levels and pupils of the final year of primary school who are still in the educational process. In the conclusion, we summarised the fundamental findings which we obtained based on the performed text analysis and confirmed the set hypotheses. We concluded that the examined texts contained a substantiated style procedure, with a large part of letter consisting of argumentative development of a subject, where authors formed a subject of text by means of arguments. When issuing a request, i.e. in core paragraphs, we noticed that phrases were being used that realise the purpose of the application (author's introduction, job vacancy/job role, experience and education). As regards to the rules of grammar, we found that authors struggled the most with correct use of punctuation, capitalisation and the rules for writing words together or apart. |