Protective effects of xanthohumol against the genotoxicity of aflatoxin B1

Autor: Sušnik, Ajda
Přispěvatelé: Bren, Urban
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Namen diplomskega dela je bil določiti morebitno antigenotoksično delovanje ksantohumola (XN) proti genotoksičnim učinkom mikotoksina aflatoksina B1 (AFB1), kar smo ugotavljali s testom komet na modelu metabolno aktivnih celic človeškega hepatoma HepG2. V zadnjem času je XN pridobil veliko zanimanje zaradi morebitnega kemo-preventivnega delovanja na rakave celice. Rezultati diplomske naloge so pokazali, da XN ni vplival na živost celice HepG2 do koncentracije 10 µM, medtem ko smo zaznali rahlo, a statistično značilno od koncentracije odvisno povišanje poškodb DNA. Prav tako je AFB1 pri necitotoksičnih koncentracijah povzročil statistično značilno od koncentracije odvisno povišanje poškodb DNA v celicah HepG2. Pomemben zaščitni učinek XN pri nastanku poškodb povzročenih z AFB1 smo zaznali že pri koncentraciji 0.01 µM XN in je bil odvisen od koncentracije XN. Rezultati diplomske naloge nakazujejo, da XN v celicah HepG2 deluje zaščitno proti genotoksičnim učinkom mikotoksina AFB1, kar dodatno dokazuje, da ima XN kemopreventivne lastnosti. The purpose of diploma work was to determine possible antigenotoxic function of xanthohumol (XM) against genotoxic effects of micotoxin aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). We were determining this with comet test on a model of metabolicaly active cells of human hepatom HepG2. Recently XN gained a lot of interest due to possible chemo-preventive affect on cancer cells. The results of this diploma work had shown that XN concentrations of up to 10 µM did not have an effect on liveliness of HepG2 cell, at the same time we detected slight but statistically typical increase of DNA damage. AFB1 had also, at uncitotoxic concentrations, caused statistically typical concentration dependent increase of DNA damage in HepG2 cells. We detected an important protective effect of XN on damage caused by AFB1 at concentration of 0.01 µM XN. This effect was dependent on concentration of XN. The result of diploma work indicate that XN in HepG2 cells works as a protection against genotoxic effects of micotoxin AFB1 which further proves XN chemopreventive properties.
Databáze: OpenAIRE