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V skladu z Ustavo Republike Slovenije, država varuje družino, materinstvo, očetovstvo, otroke in mladino. Družina je celota, ki jo je kot tako treba ohraniti. V primeru, da pride do razveze zakonske zveze oziroma razpada zunajzakonske skupnosti, pa se morata bivša zakonca, v kolikor imata skupne otroke sporazumeti, komu zaupati otroke v varstvo in vzgojo. Kadar takega dogovora nista sposobna sporazumno sprejeti, pride na vrsto sodišče, ki odloči tudi o izvrševanju stikov. Ker pa se ljudje in odnosi spreminjajo, se lahko zgodi, da že izdana sodna odločba o varstvu in vzgoji otrok, ne služi več svojemu namenu. To je zagotavljanju koristi otrok, kot temeljnemu vodilu pri odločitvah sodišč, zato v slovenskem pravnem redu obstajajo mehanizmi, ki omogočajo, da sodišča svojo odločitev spremenijo. Sprememba odločbe bo smotrna takrat, kadar tisti od zakoncev, ki mu je otrok zaupan v varstvo in vzgojo, neutemeljeno omejuje stike otroka z drugim roditeljem. Pred morebitno novo odločbo velja tehtno premisliti, ali je omejevanje stikov volja otroka ali zgolj samovolja roditelja. V slednjem primeru bo razlogov, ki govorijo v prid spremembi sodne odločbe, skoraj gotovo več. Nadalje lahko sodišča spremenijo svojo odločitev o varstvu in vzgoji otrok, kadar to zahtevajo spremenjene razmere. V konkretnem primeru se lahko zgodi, da roditelj, ki mu je otrok zaupan v varstvo in vzgojo zboli za hudo, nalezljivo boleznijo, ali pa da nova družina, ki si jo ustvari razvezani roditelj, ne ustreza otroku iz prejšnje zakonske zveze. Največji problem pa nastane takrat, kadar roditelj, ki mu je otrok zaupan v varstvo in vzgojo, umre. V vseh naštetih primerih in še v mnogih drugih, je treba izvesti ponoven postopek, ki že izdano odločbo bodisi ohrani, bodisi spremeni. Ob ponovnemu pravdanju, pa predlagatelju nastanejo številni stroški. Začnejo se pri plačilu taks, za uvedbo novega postopka in se nadaljujejo, če predlagatelj poišče pravno pomoč. Ob zakonsko določenih pogojih, se predlagatelja oprosti pačila taks in se mu lahko dodeli brezplačno pravno pomoč. In accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, the state protects the family, motherhood, fatherhood, children and youth. A family is a whole which should be maintained as such. In the event of a divorce or a break-up of an extramarital union, the ex-spouses have to agree, if they have children, on the custody of the children. If they are not able to come to a mutual agreement, a court gives a decision on visiting rights. Because people and relationships change, it may happen that the previously issued judicial decision on custody of the children no longer serves its purpose. This is, providing benefits to the children as a fundamental guideline in decisions of the court, and thus, the Slovenian law includes mechanisms that allow courts to amend their decision. An amendment to a decision is rational when one of the spouses, who has custody of the child, unduly restricts visiting rights to the other parent. Before any new decision it is smart to consider, if the restriction on visiting rights is a will of a child or just a stubborn parent. In the latter case, which is in favour of amending decisions of the court, there will certainly be several reasons for an amendment. Furthermore, a court may change its decision on the custody of children, when this is required by changed circumstances. In a particular case, it may happen that a parent who has custody of the child gets a very serious, contagious disease or a new family of a divorced parent does not fit a child from a previous marriage. The biggest problem arises when a parent who has custody of the child dies. In all these cases and in many others, we have to repeat the procedure which may preserve already issued decision or amend it. In the case of re-litigation, the applicant bears several costs. These costs begin at the payment of fees for the initiation of a new procedure and continue if the applicant seeks judicial assistance. In statutory conditions, the applicant is exempt from payment of fees and may receive free legal aid. |