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Glede na zadnje raziskave je spletno oglaševanje najbolj rastoči trend na področju marketinga in bo kmalu postal tudi vodilni medij za oglaševanje. Zaradi razvoja interneta je tako lahko v zelo kratkem času doseženo veliko število uporabnikov po vsem svetu z različnimi spletnimi orodji. V diplomskem delu smo v uvodnem delu raziskali internet, ki je glavni element za razvoj spletnega oglaševanja. V nadaljevanju smo se dotaknili tako tradicionalnega kot spletnega oglaševanje, ter ugotovili njune prednosti in omejitve. Trendi nakazujejo, da bo spletno oglaševanje vedno bolj pomembno. Z revolucijo socialnih omrežij in razvojem pametnih telefonov dobiva spletno trženje povsem nove dimenzije. Nove napredne “kreative“ so nakazale, da se tudi pri tradicionalnih spletnih orodij trend spreminja. Raziskava je pokazala, da uporabniki namenijo večjo pozornost oglasom pri novih “kreativah“, kot pri starih standardnih. Raziskavo pa smo opravili tudi v Sloveniji in njihov pogled na spletno oglaševanje. Based on recent research, online advertising is the fastest growing marketing trend. It is also expected to become the leading advertising media in the not so distant future. With the constant advancements in internet technology as well as online advertising tools, a campaign is able to reach a large amount of people worldwide. In the introduction to this thesis, internet has been presented as the main element in the development of online advertising. The advantages and limitations of traditional media advertising versus online advertisement have also been examined. Trends in this field prove that advertising on the internet has become significantly more important over the past few years. With the revolution of social media websites as well as the advantages in the development of smart phones, new dimensions are given to online advertising. The new and advanced methods of online advertising have proven that even traditional online marketing tools are experiencing a change. The research has shown that internet users pay significantly more attention to ads with new ad types in comparison to the traditional types. The research was also performed in Slovenia and the users view on online advertising has been examined. |