Aircraft Certification Processes In Turkey – Hurkus Model

Autor: Akdağ, Muhammed Seyda
Přispěvatelé: Özkol, İbrahim, Uçak ve Uzay Mühendisliği, Aerospace Engineering
Rok vydání: 2015
Popis: Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2015
Hava aracı sertifikasyonu yüzyıldan fazla bir geçmişe sahiptir. Geçen bu süre zarfında havacılığın daha güvenilir kılınması için çok önemli çalışmalar yapılmış ve aşamalar kaydedilmiştir. Bu sahada yapılan uluslararası işbirliği, bilgi ve tecrübe paylaşımı havacılık emniyetine önemli katkılar sağlamaktadır. Günümüzde bir sivil hava aracının uluslararası hava sahasında uçabilmesi için Uluslararası Sivil Havacılık Örgütü (ICAO) kuralları gereği emniyet gereksinimlerini karşılayacak şekilde tip sertifikasına sahip olması gerekmektedir. Bu durum hem hava aracı sertifikasyonunu, hemde bu hava araçlarını tasarlayan ve üreten organizasyonların onaylanması yani tasarım ve üretim yapabilecek kabiliyette olduklarının gösterimi ihtiyacını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Ülkemizin sivil havacılık hedeflerinden biri olan "Hava aracı ve/veya parçasının sertifikasyon kabiliyetinin kazanılması" hedefi doğrultusunda çalışmalar devam etmektedir. Son dönemde Türkiye’de sivil havacılık alanında yaşanan büyüme, bu alanda altyapı ve teknolojinin oluşmasında büyük rol oynamıştır. Bu büyüme, sivil hava aracı ve parçasını tasarlayıp üretmek isteyen firmaların oluşmasına neden olmuş ve bazı kurumlar EASA ve SHGM’ye bu kapsamda yetki başvurusunda bulunmuşlardır. Bu kapsamda bu tezde dünyada sivil havacılık alanında söz sahibi olan başlıca ülkelerin (Avrupa, Amerika, Brezilya, Kanada, Rusya gibi) sivil havacılık otoritelerinin hava aracı sertifikasyon uygulamaları incelenmiştir. Bununla beraber ülkemizdeki sivil havacılık sertifikasyon süreci analiz edilmiş ve özellikle EASA ile SHGM’nin sertifikasyon sürecini beraber yürüttüğü ilk yerli eğitim uçağı olan Hürkuş uçağı özelinde genel sertifikasyon faaliyetleri ve bu süreçte karşılaşılan problemler ele alınmıştır. Bütün bunların sonucu olarak bundan sonraki hava araçları sertifikasyon süreçlerinde benzer problemlerle karşılaşılmaması için çözüm önerileri ve model önerisi yapılmıştır.
Aircraft certification has a history of more than a century. Significant efforts and progress has been achieved to make aviation more reliable during this period. International collaboration made and knowledge and experience shared in this field provide important contributions to aviation safety. Today, a civil aircraft to fly in the international airspace has to have a type certificate that meets the safety requirements according to the International Civil Aviation Organization rules. This case revealed the need of approval of both the aircraft certification and the organisation that designs and produces these aircraft. The type certificate is a document by which the authority states that an applicant has demonstrated the compliance of a type design to all applicable requirements. This certificate is not in itself an authorisation for the operation of an aircraft, which must be given by an airworthiness certificate. Type certificatation process can generally be divided into the following phases: • Phase I – Conceptual design and application • Phase II – Design organisation approval • Phase III – Certification basis • Phase IV – Certification program • Phase V – Compliance determination and final phase • Phase VI – Issue of a type certificate Workings are ongoing towards the goal "to gain the ability of certification on aircraft and / or its part" that is one of the goals of our country on civil aviation field. Recently the major growth in the civil aviation sector in Turkey has played a major role in the development of infrastructure and technology in this field. This growth has led to the establishment of organisations wishing to design and product the civil aircraft and its parts and some organisations have applied EASA and DGCA to get approval in this context. In this regard, aircraft certification processes of the civil aviation authorities of the main countries (such as Europe, America, Brazil, Canada, Russia) who has the voice in the field of the civil aviation in the world has been examined in this thesis. Although the basic philosophical concepts of type certification procedures are generally the same for EASA, and FAA, there are some pecularities in the type-certification process that necessiate a seperate description of the FAA process. EASA type certification process can be divided into the following phases: • Phase 0 – Feasibility • Phase I – Application • Phase II – Technical familiarisation and establishment of the type certification basis • Phase III – Agreement of the certification program • Phase IV – Compliance determination • Phase V – Final report and issue of a type certificate FAA type certification process can be divided into the following phases: • Phase I – Conceptual Design • Phase II – Requirement definition • Phase III – Compliance planning • Phase IV – Implementation • Phase V – Post – certification ANAC type certification process can be divided into the following phases: • Phase I – Pre-application meeting • Phase II – Application • Phase III – Familiarisation meeting and certification basis definition • Phase IV – First flight- show compliance phase • Phase V – Find compliance phase IAC type certification process can be divided into the following phases: • Phase I – Application • Phase II – Determination of certification basis • Phase III – Conducting the mockup stage • Phase IV – Factory certification tests • Phase V – Control certification tests • Phase VI – Issue of a type certificate TCCA and KOCA type certification processes are very similar to FAA type certification process. Nevertheless, the civil aviation certification process of DGCA has been analysed and in particular general certification activities of HURKUS which certification process has been carried out by EASA and DGCA together and the problems encountered within this process has been discussed. Turkish DGCA type certification process can be divided into the following phases: • Phase I – Technical familiarisation and establishment of the type certification basis • Phase II – Agreement of the certification program • Phase III – Compliance determination • Phase IV – Final report and issue of a type certificate It is clear that the basic philosophical concepts of type certification processes are generally the same for DGCA, and the other authorities particularly EASA. Nevertheless, similar type certification processes of EASA and DGCA has been followed in HURKUS project. The phases of type certification proces has been followed within HURKUS project can be divided into the following phases: • Phase 0 – Feasibility • Phase I – Application and technical familiarisation • Phase II – Establishment of the type certification basis • Phase III – Agreement of the certification program • Phase IV – Compliance determination and final report The problems and the difficulties encountered within HURKUS project has been arised from the approach of EASA. It is seen that EASA has going outside the agreement signed between EASA and DGCA and has not followed the conditions written in the agreement. As a result of all of these investigations, solutions and a model has been proposed in order to avoid encounter similar problems for the next certification processes. The solutions for the problems can be grouped under the following headings: organisation, staff, laws, regulations and procedures and environment.
Yüksek Lisans
Databáze: OpenAIRE