Recovery of green hydrogen from natural gas grids

Autor: Zafanelli, Lucas F.A.S., Rodrigues, Alírio, Silva, José A.C.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Hydrogen (H2) can play an essential role as clean energy in a sustainable future. For example, H2 can store surplus renewable power when the grid cannot soak it, help to decarbonize heavy industry and long-distance transport and replace fossil fuels as a zero-carbon feedstock in chemicals and fuel production. However, H2 as an energy source is only sustainable if its production is free of carbon emissions. In this sense, green hydrogen produced via electrolysis of water powered by renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydroelectricity, or biomass) is a vital strategy to reduce CO2 emissions levels. The global concern to replace fossil fuels is reflected by a forecast of more than $ 300 billion in H2 investments through 2030, motivating studies to enable its use. One of the main barriers to set-up the use of green hydrogen produced from renewables is its transportation to the end-users. To surpass this issue, the use of the existing natural gas networks has been proposed for distributing green hydrogen. There are at least three main advantages of using the existing natural gas pipelines, namely: (i) the use of existing ones avoids large investments to build new ones, (ii) H2 can be transported by long distance cheaply ($0.1/kg for up to 500 km), and (iii) H2 can be used directly without chemical conversion required. 2 However, a new technology to recover green hydrogen from natural gas grids needs to be developed to allow the pure distribution of H2 and CH4. In this context, the present work seeks to identify strategies to develop a new separation technology based on adsorption processes to recover green hydrogen from natural gas grids. info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Databáze: OpenAIRE