Iskustva u liječenju djece oboljele od bolesti COVID-19 u Klinici za dječje bolesti Kliničkog bolničkog centra Split

Autor: Sršen, Saša, Vuković Novogradec, Antonija, Petrović, Davor, Stričević, Luka, Metličić, Vitomir
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Liječnički vjesnik
Volume 144
Issue Supp 1
ISSN: 1849-2177
Popis: Cilj: ispitati demografske značajke, tijek bolesti, ishod i način liječenja djece liječene zbog COVID-19 bolesti i multisitemskog upalnog sindroma (MIS-C). Ispitanici i metode: provedeno je retrospektivno istraživanje djece liječene tijekom 2020. i 2021. godine u Klinici za dječje bolesti Kliničkog bolničkog centra Split. Rezultati: ukupno je liječeno 59 djece zbog COVID-19 bolesti u promatranom razdoblju, u najvećem broju dojenačke i predškolske dobi. Većina oboljelih imala je blažu kliničku sliku bolesti, ali petero djece je zahtijevalo mjere intenzivnog liječenja, a dvoje djece s pozitivnim SARS – CoV – 2 testom je preminulo. Najčešće su liječeni simptomatskom i potpornom terapijom, ali 50,85% oboljelih je liječeno i antibioticima, a 23,73% glukokortikoidima. U navedenom razdoblju liječeno je i 26 djece s MIS-C-om. Njihova dobna raspodjela je bila ravnomjernija nego u populaciji djece liječene zbog COVID-19 bolesti, ali i tu je najveći broj djece bio mlađi od 10 godina. Više od 90% oboljelih je liječeno intravenskim imunoglobulinima, glukokortikoidima i acetilsalicilnom kiselinom, ali i antibioticima. 53,85% djece je zahtijevalo mjere intenzivnog liječenja. I kod djece liječene zbog COVID-19 bolesti i kod djece s MIS-C-om prevladavao je muški spol. Zaključak: kod oboljelih od COVID-19 najčešće se radilo o djeci s blagom kliničkom slikom, dok su u skupini djece liječene zbog MIS-C-a klinička slika i tijek bolesti bili teži. Naša iskustva su slična onima opisanima u literaturi.
Aim: to evaluate demographic characteristics, course of disease, treatment and outcome of disease of children treated due ro COVID-19 and multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C). Patients and methods: retrospective medical chart review of children traeted during 2020 and 2021 in Department of Paediatrics of University Hospital Centre Split in Split, Croatia. Results: a total number of 59 children were treated due to COVID-19 in observed period of time, mostly infants and toddlers. Most of them had mild clinical presentation of disease, but five of them required intensive care treatment, and two children died. In most of the cases they were treated with symptomatic and supportive therapy, but 50.85% were treated with antibiotics and 23.73% with glucocorticoids. During observed period of time 26 children were treated due to MIS-C. Their age distribution was more even, but also most of the children were younger than 10 years of age. More than 90% of patients were treated with intravenous immunoglobulines, glucocorticoids anda acetylsalicylic acid, but also with antibiotics. 53.85% of children required intensive care treatment. Both in groups of children with COVID-19 and MIS-C most of the patients were male. Conclusion: COVID-19 patients most often were children with a mild clinical picture, while in the group of children treated for MIS-C the clinical picture and the course of the disease were more severe. Our experiences are similar to those described in the literature.
Databáze: OpenAIRE