Autor: | Gordana PEROVIĆ, Franjo PEROVIĆ |
Jazyk: | chorvatština |
Rok vydání: | 2006 |
Předmět: | |
Zdroj: | Entomologia Croatica Volume 10 Issue 1-2 |
ISSN: | 1849-0441 1330-6200 |
Popis: | Iako je za Hrvatsku zabilježena 71 vrsta vretenaca (Odonata), za županiju Međimurje do sada podaci nisu bili sređeni. Sistematskim istraživanjem 1998. i 1999. godine, te fragmentarnim uzorkovanjem vretenaca do kraja 2005. godine sakupljeno je 59 ličinaka bentos mrežicom, 200 odraslih entomološkom mrežicom i 9 svlakova rukom. Utvrđena je ukupno 31 vrsta vretenaca što čini 43 % hrvatske faune vretenaca. Vrsta Sympetrum pedemontanum je po prvi put uvrštena u registar vretenaca Hrvatske. Prvi nalazi potječu od F. Koščeca i pohranjeni su u njegovoj entomološkoj zbirci u Varaždinu. Novo utvrđeno stanište za ovu vrstu je kanal Goričan. Osim toga značajni su i nalazi veće populacije vrste Coenagrion ornatum u obraštenom i protočnom melioracijskom kanalu Murščak kod Domašinca, te vrste Lestes dryas koja je stanovnik «Husićeve grabe» kod graničnog prijelaza Goričan, koja se povremeno isušuje. Obrađeni materijal pohranjen je u Hrvatskom prirodoslovnom muzeju u Zagrebu. Although 71 species of dragonfl ies (Odonata) have been recorded in Croatia, previously no data have been systematically collected concerning this genus in Međimurje. Systematic investigation in 1998 and 1999 and sporadic sampling of material up to the end of 2005 led to the collection of 59 larvae with a benthos net, 200 imagos with an entomological net and 9 exuviae by hand. All told, 31 species of dragonfl y were determined, equivalent to 43% of all dragonfl ies in the Croatian dragonfl y fauna. The species Sympetrum pedemontanum was established in the Croatian fauna for the fi rst time although the fi rst fi nding of this species is in the entomological collection of F. Koščec in Varaždin. In conjunction with a fi nding of the species on Gorican Channel / Canal, this paper is publishing for the fi rst time an earlier fi nd of a species from Varaždin, kept in the Franjo Koščec Entomological Collection in Varaždin City Museum. In addition to this, there are important fi nds of a quite large population of the species Coenagrion ornatum in the Murščak overgrown but fl owing channel, by Domašinec, and the species Lestes dryas, which inhabits Hušićeva graba (ditch) by the border crossing at Goričan, which occasionally dries up depending on weather conditions. The material processed is stored in the Croatian Natural History Museum in Zagreb. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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